Chapter 24

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Jessica's Point Of View:
I think I seen Justin yesterday but after how much drugs they probably gave me I'm sure I was dreaming. I started waking up and seen a bright light in my face.

"Can you shut that damn light off" I mumbled off.

"That's our Jess" I heard Ryan say and heard laughter.

"RYAN!" I yelled and shot up.

"Woah sweetie you can't move that quick" The doctor said.

"I don't care, I'm alive!" I smiled and got up and hugged Ryan.

"He saved you" He said after a moment of silence.

"Justin..?" I asked and smiled.

"Yeah" He said and put his head down.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here" I said as I sat back on the bed still a little weak.

"He is here Jess" He said making me feel happy. I haven't seen him in a week I miss him so much.

"He got hurt Jess, saving you" He put his head down again as tears filled my eyes.

"No your lying!" I shot up and pulled the IV out of my arm and ran into the hallway not waiting for Ryan to answer. I ran to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Justin Bieber" I said out of breathe.

"Room 516" She said as I ran as fast as possible up the stairs cause they are faster. I got to the 5the floor and kept running I turned the corner and there was his room. I took a deep breathe in and walked in. There he was the only thing thag matters in my life, the only person I love the most laying there hurt because of me.

"He hasn't woken up yet, it's been 2 days" I heard Fredo say as he hugged me.

"It's all my fault" I whispered.

"Now Jess don't say that you know it isn't your fault and Justin would say the same. He would take a bullet for you, I have never seen him this way with anyone he truly loves you" He says making me cry.

"Talk to him he can hear you" He said and walked out.

When he left I pulled the chair up next to him and grabbed his hand and kissed his lips.

"I'm so sorry Justin. Please don't leave me you have to wake up, I don't know what I would do without you, your my everything. Please wake up.. I love you" I said and put my head on our hands.

I felt him move his fingers and my head shot up. He started opening his eyes and I started crying with joy.

"I love you too" He spoke dryly as I grabbed the cup of water next to him and gave it to him as he chugged it.

"I could never leave you Jess, ever" He spoke into my eyes.

"You scared me" I whispered.

"I scared you? I lost my mind when you went missing" He said in pain.

"Is he... Gone?" I asked.

"Yes, I shot him when he stabbed me but some of his goons got away" He said and I just sighed.

"Get up here" he said nudging his head as I sat up and snuggled up to his none punctured side. He kissed my head and we just played there.

"Your awake!" Ryan, Za, Fredo, Lexi, Jason, Layla and Bella yelled and we smiled.

"All I needed was Jessica's voice" he smiled and kissed me again.

This chapter isn't long but hopefully heart touching(:

Next Chapter will be better I promise!!! Something amazing is gonna happen

So this book has 443 views that's not a while bunch but it's better than zero CX I can't wait to get more so tell everyone about it, it would mean a lot

Anyways thank you all for reading!!! Comment, and vote love you all!!!


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