The group has gotten bigger

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Jacks PoV

As Skelly got closer to the group, the wither skeleton girl ran straight to her and hugged her, "Hello cousin, it's nice to see you again" she said, "oh hi winter, I see that Jack got everyone out" Skelly replied.

"Yes, and even carried blaze, cos she got knocked out by a ghast, noble indeed and he stormed through the Citidel without a care in the world for himself" she said whilst staring at me.

"I did nothing, I just went in and got you out, like I said I would", I stated.

Flame came up to me and said "thank you so much, my eldest sister, heat and my slightly older sister, firelight wanted to say thanks for helping us, I told them about the pigman chasing me earlier and how you dived on him with your knife". "Thank you for saving us, said Heat, " can I ask what mob you are ?", just at that moment, the blaze got up and asked "yeah, what are you ?".

I turned to Skelly, Gelli and Andr, "Should I tell them or won't they believe me ?" I question'd. " they better believe, I bet they heard about the fighting, haven't you ?" Said Skelly, all the girls nodded.

Well, here goes," I'm not an mob, I'm human, a soldier who survived the massacre of my fallen comrades" I said. "You can't be" said the ghast girl, "humans are practically a myth, legends now". I told them the story of, a hundred years ago, a large group of humans left minecraftia to find a solution for the mobs, how we trained and attacked, how I met Cupa and how I was nearly killed by a creeper exploding after I lost my friends.

"He even confessed to being in love with all of us" said Andr with a feeling of joy in her words, "yeah, I did" I added. I could have sworn I blushed abit, maybe even felt embarrassed about it, "wow, he really said that, cousin" asked winter. "Yes, he even showed me how to shot a sniper rifle" she said.

"You do have talent, just need to practice more, but you are definitely a better shot then I am" I said. "Now that's all sorted for now, we really should be heading back, I can make more beds and also I'm thinking about making a house because we can't keep sleeping in a cave, I could but I don't want you lot to, may get abit drafty at night now that it's getting colder" I said as I help up the Blaze on the floor, "and what's your name ?" I asked politely, "it's Blazette, and thats Charlotte" as she gestured to the ghast girl.
"He is a decent gentleman, doesn't look that bad either and he risked his life for us in the nether". Charlotte, "My oh my, what a man you've got here !" Said the pigman/girl, "I'm misty, thanks for saving me as well" it turned and nodded, plus I had a slight grin and said "pleased as punched to meet you, miss, now let's get back because I'm sure you're all tired and hungry" they all nodded but Skelly said "aren't you ?, you haven't slept in nearly 2 days, and haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning".
I thought for a moment and said "nope, I think I could wait till later and besides, I've just had a trip to the nether, I hardly feel tired as I need to calm down, but seriously, I could wait before I need to eat, so let's get something for our guest. The girls were shocked to find this out.

We travelled home in a quite fashion, only the odd word here and there, but most of the girls were just watching the view as the sunlight was just peeking over the horizon and caster a shadow over us, I did hear a few words that mentions me, firing at the ghast, grabbing Blazette, fighting a wither skeleton in close combat, weird as I thought they didn't see that, and I heard one of them saying I looked cute, which made a few of them giggle, even I smirked at that, "ouch, I hurt my leg, Jack, could you carry me ?" I knew she was lying, she just wanted me to carry her, but I'll bite.

"Fine, I'll give a piggy back till..." "Can't you carry me like you carried Cupa,ms he told me about it", "it not very comfortable but if you want, do you also want me to run or...." "If you insist, then by all means" she said quickly. Damn it, why me ?, well I did say.
I picked her up and placed her over my shoulders in a fireman's lift, and ran all the way to the cave, "hey, wait up" the others shouted, "wow, he is fast"
I just smiled a placed Skelly on the floor next to the hole.
Cupa, Vanessa, Silk, Zoey and the other 2 slices came out, but Cupa, Vanessa, Silk and Zoey ran out the cave a gave me a hug, " you did it" "your alive, don't ever do that again" they said.
"I won't if I don't have to, besides, I'm back now" I said.
In the home, the nether girls were huddled up in one corner of the room, I was about to ask them what's going on but I felt the back of my knee hurt, turns out, I whacked it when I came through the portal with Blazette on my shoulders.
I was resting on my bed when the girls got everyone together, except me and I had a BAD feeling that it involves me.
My suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later, even with the cave being quite, I still couldn't make out what they were saying.
When they turned to me they asked "we were wondering, is there a limit of how many lovers a human can have or handle, is there a limit ?" Winter asked, I knew where is was heading, I could just tell. "No, humans can have multiple lovers at anyone time I suppose, dare I ask why ?" I replied in a curious tone.
"We know you love these girls, and we are from the nether, you saved us, y-you see... We have never had anyone care for us as much as you, so we were wondering...." A loooong and awkward silences past before Heat said, " we want to know if you love us, ok, the others are alright with it, we need to know because, we... Love you".
I could swear that my heart stopped, I couldn't believe it, more girls that love me, man the lads would be thinking I'm a woman hoarder, I even feel like one.
I look up, take a breathe and say "I...I love you too, just as much as I love the rest of you, but we are going to have to make a big house and sort something out for you girls to have sometime with me".
They smile and laugh, and the nether girls run on to me, I mean literally, it was a pile on, and then the others joined in and after 5 seconds, I couldn't feel my legs but I loved these girls and would do anything to protect them.

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