A place to stay and unexpected secret

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Jacks PoV 

The next day past in a blur, Cupa told me that I've been out for 4 days! and that the fight stopped late yesterday night, roughly 18 hours before I woke.

"Thanks for telling this" I said, "some of the mob armies have been seriously  weaken and and some have been destroyed" said Skelly. I turned my face to her and said "yeah, that may be good, but they will grow strong again, while my army won't, because we were meant to completely destroy them, not get destroyed ourselves but our weakness was our numbers and lack of Intel on what weapons they had".

After some lunch, some of the girls went out for a walk whilst I tried to sleep, but I couldn't help but listen in to Cupa's conversations with her friends, Skelly, Andr and Silk.

"So where will he stay ? because if the hostile mobs find out, they try a come for him and won't stop till they kill him" said Silk, "I thought he could stay here with me for a while" replied Cupa. " you know, till he gets better", "you love him, don't you Cupa ?, it's obvious" said Andr.  "Well, so do you, so do I, we all do because he is brave and strong, he does care about us and he is handsome"Said Skelly and all the girls sighed.

Was this true, they l-like me, I never thought about it, but I do care about them, how the heck did they notice that, oooh man, what the hell have I gotten myself in to now ?  Well no time to think as they started talking again, "how will he make a house, he can fight but he's never said he could craft" Cupa stated. I spoke up and that surprised everyone "I never said I couldn't, you never asked". "You were suppose to be a sleep, you heard everything didn't you ???!!!" Cupa replied, she started to blush, in fact the whole group started to blush. "What's the matter ?, there is nothing wrong in having a crush on me" at this point, they all look up,"if I'm honest, ha, I kinda ... I-I love you, all of you". And after a moment, they all just stood there, oh hell, what have I done ? I thought, I was about to ask when, all of a sudden, the four girls dived on me, they hugged me so hard that I would have suffocated if they didn't let go, just so the others could do the same.

"Yessss !" "I love you" "thank you so much" they said and shouted, jumping up and down and screamed in glee but I was dumbfounded as, I'm very brave because I would run at any enemy with just my knife, even if I stood little to no chance without the slightest hesitation yet I took all the courage I had just to say 3 words to these 4 girls, these girls who saved my life when they could have left me and not have the danger of mobs trying to kill them if they find out that I am still alive and still able to fight and still there is the two girls who have gone walking.

Love is strange, "who do you love the most ?" Asked the girls, oooh crap, and now we are here, have fun. Before another war broke out and trust me, there will be NO SURVIVORS if that goes down, "I love you all the same" I held my breath and hoped it worked.

Cupa POV 

The second he spoke, I thought he was angry at us for liking him or something, but when he said,"I-I love you, all of you", my heart stopped and for a moment nothing happens, then we jumped on him, we were all so happy, when asked who he loved the most, he replied that he loves all of us the same, humans are weird, but they can love, me and the rest of the girls have been through so much, and now, we are going to be ok and be loved by someone who wants to keep us safe.

Skelly PoV 

I can't believed what I heard, he is a good warrior and may even be a good protector, he loves us and we love him, he saved Cupa and we saved him and he wants to keep us safe.  He may be my first love. I never thought that my short, lonely life will ever have love, he's blushing even now.

"You said you could craft, like the ancient ways of the humans as they were the gods of crafting in this world, their craftsmanship and works were the tales of legends", I say as I try to keep myself under control and I may have exaggerated abit but in hindsight, their crafting skill were quite something.

"My bow is getting old and worn out, it needs fixing up, can you do anything ?" I asked

"I'll try" he replied as he went over the crafting table, with some string from Silk and some spare sticks from me, there was some hammering and a bit of mumbling as he whacked his hand with the hammer but after roughly 10 minutes, Zoey and Vannessa come back and we tell them everything, they were about the jump on Jack but stopped in their tracks a he shouted " tad a!!!".

He turned around to show me a bow that looked new but I could tell it was mine, I could just sense that the bow would last and that it was slightly more powerful then before. "Thank you" was all I could say as he handed it to me and said " you like it ?, I believe it yours" 

I was about to cry with joy, no one has ever done something so special, so caring for me, I hugged him, then all the others joined in and soon, we are all on the floor, laughing and smiling, it was as clear as fresh water, we loved him and he loves us.

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