A nightmare

621 8 0

Third person POV

the door to Jacks room swings open, with enough force to knock the door off its hinges by the group of 18 girls carrying Jack like ants carrying food, they launched him on to the bed, some of the girls have gone to grab covers from all the beds and placed them in the room, Shadow and Sarah climb on to the bed and pin him down as some of the girls Strip then Gelli and Heat and their mini selves held Jack down till the rest have stripped, then Vanessa and her older sister, Silk, tie him to the bed post, "before you get any ideas, non of us are actually sisters, just friends who seem like family" Silk said, whilst she grinded on Jack.

Jack seemed to stop struggling when he was tied up, "good, you know you can't escape" said Shadow.

"Oh well, I would be fighting this fight for hours but I know it won't help me in the slightest way" Jack replied.

Jacks POV

Well, I'm done for now, I can't get out of this and I did kinda put myself here because I went into the pool, and then challenged the girls to get me, fuck, I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually looking forward to this but I'm also scared of of my mind for what I'm got to do to get out of this mess. Well, at least they didn't rip my swimming wear.

"Well, now that's done, do you two want first ride ?" Blazette asked Shadow and Sarah, sarah turned to me and said "why not, we both took this bad boy down, let's get our reward" she said this with a devious smile, one that made my cry inside.

"So bad boy, your gonna please us tonight ?" Cupa shouted, "yes ma'am" I shouted, I swear it took every inch of my courage to say those two words, trying to sound professional at all times and not distracted, "good little soldier, now let's have some fun" Blazette said as she locked the door and put the key under some covers, great, I thought, I'm not leaving this room tonight, that has made it certain,. Just then, Shadow and Sarah jumped on top and started to play with me.

######### LEMON SCENE #############

Shadow positioned her self over my face, and lowered, and she started to rub herself on my face, whilst Sarah started to stick my cock in her, , I could just see all the girls starting to during those non-pregnancy potions, then Shadow started to rub faster, "stick your tongue out !!" See ordered, and I obeyed, then I heard both of them moaning, "wow, your and BIG boy, Jack" said Sarah as she came, but she still continued, then I felt some thing wet all over my face, Shadow came, then I came.

That was weird but they both got of me, "we'll have another go in a bit" they said them turned to the girls and said "he's all yours", Blazette was the first one on, then Charlotte jumped on my, in the same position that Shadow was in only moments ago, "our turn" she said as they both did the same thing that Sarah and Shadow did to me.

####### END OF LEMON SCENE ##################

# 10 hours later #

Jacks POV

Well, that was fun, I think. The girls seemed to enjoy what happened last night, they're all a sleep now, on the makeshift beds on the floor, it's been quiet for about half an hour now, and I CANT FEEL MY LEGS OR MY DICK !!!!!, what did they do to me ? I questioned myself, but soon I fall into a deep sleep.

In my dream, it's a memory of the day I left my mother and father, they're both crying, mom hugs me, telling me to stay safe, and tells me to watch for my brother on the battle field and sister in the command staff.

Dad grabs my hand, I'm seeing this from my own eyes, but this time he says something different to the goodbye he said last time, he stares at my, then said "I'm so proud of you, son, and your brothers and sister, even with what's happened, even though you may seem to be the last, you can continue your mission, complete your task, if you give up, the mobs have won, but if you still fight, you could still win, you can keep those girls safe" I looked shocked, "how did you know about those girls ?" I asked but he seemed to ignore that question and then said, "goodbye son, you will make us proud", I then see a cloud appear and he disappears, I started to hear gun shots and explosions, it sounded familiar, THE ASSUALT !, Then the sounds of battle were mixed with another sound, the sound of men dying, getting ripped to pieces and I saw them die horrific deaths, I see a face come through the the smoke, I call out to my dad but he doesn't answer, I wake up, "dad !" I shout as I shot up, sweating, a tear comes from my eye, No one seemed to be woken up, apart from Andr, skelly, Cupa, Blazette and Heat, who were either awake or just woke from me shouting.

They all just stare at me, they looked worried so before one of them could ask, I got up and went to the door, I say went, I mean bolted, I went out and the door closed behind me, I stood there, for maybe a few seconds, before Andr teleported beside me, Skelly, Cupa, Blazette and Charlotte came through the door, "what's the matter ?, what's happened ?" I tried to sound calm, "nothing" I said, another tear rolled down my cheek, "don't lie, we are here for you, tell us what happened" Cupa said.

When I heard this, I dropped to the floor and broke down, "I -I saw my father, it was like a memory, but he said something else, that I still had a mission to finish, then I saw smoke and I was back at the assualt, I heard men scream, I saw them die, horrific, gruesome deaths then... Then..." " felt Andr hug me, "it's ok".

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