Chapter 13- Blood Runs Stale

Start from the beginning

Soon, a thin and tall lady with long sleek blonde hair walks into the room, "So sorry about that. He kept on pestering me to see Dan and I couldn't help but let him. I mean look at that face." She coos, making me lightly laugh.

"Anyway, I'm Jasmine but you can call me Jai and if you need anything, just press the button on the side of your bed. I'm sure you know the drill." She innocently winks at me before walking out of the room, closing the door shut behind her. For every time that I've been here, Jai has always been my nurse. Am I like assigned to her or something?

I look back over at Phil but he has his eyes drilled into the door, "Someone jealous?" I joke with a smile, Jaxon now sitting on my lap with his back to my chest.

Phil snaps out of his glare and looks at me, "You wish." He bitterly laughs and playfully pushes my arm, making me slightly sway.

I awkwardly look him up and down. Did Phil seriously get jealous over the nurse? This just makes me laugh at the thought. Like I would be attracted to a girl.

Wait...Phil doesn't know about my sexuality.

Oh my god he doesn't know. What do I do? Should I tell him now or wait...later. But how long is later? A few days, weeks, months, years? I can't wait that long or else he may get mad at me for not telling him. I don't want Phil to be mad at me. I thickly swallow and shuffle around in my bed, Jaxon now asleep in my arms.

"You okay?" Phil asks with concern.

I snap my head over to him, "Ye-Yeah." I try to lie. For once, I think Phil sees right through my act.

"I know you're lying." He says with slight disappointment, "Come on, you can tell me."

"It's nothing." I quietly say and look down at Jaxon.

Phil sighs, "Please?" He's almost begging.

"It's nothing...important."

"Of course it is." He pushes on.

I begin to get annoyed over the fact that he won't just leave me alone, "I'm gay, okay?" I finally squeak, sounding too weak and quickly hiding my head in Jaxon's shoulder.

"You-You're what...?"

Fuck. He hates me now.

"I'm sorry. You can leave me now and it's okay if you don't want to ever talk to me again. I'm also sorry if you're a homophobe that believes that gayness is contagious and that I've infected you and Jaxon..." I whisper, slowly looking up at Phil and letting go of Jaxon.

He just smiles and shakes his head with a light chuckle, "Dan, I could care less about your sexuality. I like you for your personality and what gender you prefer being with doesn't change it."

"R-Really?" I question, a slight smile breaking.

"Yeah really. I actually think it's cool." He informs.

I blush, "Why do you find it cool?" I ask.

Phil shrugs and looks down at his feet, "Reasons."

My smile widens and I pull Jaxon closer to me, placing a peck on his cheek. He's just too damn adorable in his sleep, "Thanks for still being friends with me."

Phil chuckles and looks up at me through his lashes, "Stop thanking for stupid things."

"Fine I won't."


A light knock comes from the door and it slightly opens, showing a familiar pair of green eyes through the crack. The door opens all the way and Jamie stands in the doorway.

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