Chapter 9

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Eliza's P.O.V.

"I got it!" I hear Nathan yell when the door bell rung. "Mate! How have you been?" I heard Nath say.

"I've been good, you?" I heard an all to familiar voice.

"Same, just really tired with work and three kids," Nathan replied. I put the last dried dish in the cabinet before walking out.

"JAY!!!" I said running to him and hugging him.

"ELLIE!" Jay said returning the hug.

"What happened to you? You went all M.I.A on us after the last concert you guys had," I said playfully punching his arm.

"Oh you know, I was here then there... I was everywhere, the fans even made a fan page on Twitter called "Where is Jay?" Still tying to get a follow back from them... Now I know how the fans feel," Jay explained. "But now I'm here to celebrate my niece and nephews very first birthday," Jay said as he walked out the house for a second and came back in with three huge presents stacked on top of each other.

"Babe do we have room for that?" Nathan asked whispering in my ear.

"Probably not... um, Jay what are in those boxes?" I asked.

"Presents!" Jay said cheerfully.

"Jay, our kids are turning 1 not 10, what type of present could be that huge?" Nathan asked.

"You'll have to wait an see," Jay smirked. This is not good. Not good at all. "That was a little heavy, but do you need help setting up?"

"Not really, we just need to finish the food, we're making barbecue," I said leading him to the backyard.

"They eat barbecue? Do they even have teeth for that?" Jay asked.

"Not exactly but we give them small pieces, they love anything with barbecue really," I handed the the raw food the Nathan.

"And Dylan also loves anything with ketchup," Nathan mentioned as he lit up the grill.

"Were you the one that gave him rice and ketchup?" I ask.

"He wouldn't just eat the rice so I put ketchup on it and he ate it," Nathan replied.

"Then after you left he threw it up on me," I told Nathan.

"Rice and ketchup doesn't even sound good, or appetizing, why did he eat it?" Jay asked confused grabbing a Coke from the cooler.

"He's slowly getting into the stage where he will put the weirdest things into his mouth," Nathan said as he put the first raw pieces of meat onto the grill.


"I'll go get that, it must be Karen and Jess," I said walking back into the house. Opening the door I was greeted with a giant hug. "JESS!"



"Sorry," Jess quickly let go and stood by awkwardly. "I smell food," Jess said before walking past me and taking herself wherever her nose lead her.

"Hello Karen, I'll take that," I said taking the present from Karen and placing it where Jay put his.

"Hello sweetie," Karen said giving me a hug. "How have you been?"

"Great, really tired though, these kids drain the life out me plus having to go to work as well, I don't know how some people do it," I said.

"Well some people when they have three kids that have them separately not all at once," Karen replied.

"Okay, Karen got sass," I said. "Anyways, everyone is outside, we're still waiting on people to arrive," Karen walks past me.

"Hey Ellie," I turn back around to see Max and a girl.

"Hey Max, who's this?" I ask.

"Ellie this is Amy (@amytwdanosaurx), my girlfriend," Max said introducing her to me. Amy had blonde curly hair and really beautiful blue eyes, Is she a model?

"Nice to meet you Amy, and everyone is outside," Max nodded. Amy handed me a present before leaving to go to the back. I put the present with the rest of the group.

"Bestie!!!" I heard someone yell.

"Sammie!!!" I said giving her a tight hug. "It feels like forever since I last saw you,"

"I know right! But I still can't believe I just shot a movie as the lead role," Sammie said.

"What movie did you do?"

"Monte Carlo,"

"Sounds interesting, can't wait to watch it, everyone is in the back yard," I said as Sammie nodded. "Here's are the babies present I got them," Sammie handed me the present before walking past me.

"Oh and Sammie?"


"Jay is already back there," I said as Sammie smiled. When will those two just get together?

My babies are year old already. A year ago I gave birth, a year ago I fell on conscious, A year and 9 months ago I found out I was pregnant, a year ago was when my life became complete. One whole year.

A/N: Here is the update!!! Sorry it took me forever! I've been sick and really busy with school...




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