Chapter 10

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~Four Years Later~

Eliza's P.O.V.

"Thank you again Jamie," I said making sure I had everything. "I'm sorry it was last minute and all but Nathan really wanted me to go to the concert tonight and I can't afford to take all three of them it would be a nightmare,"

Jamie put a hand on my shoulder, "Eliza, calm down, if I was able to handle them when they were babies I can handle them being four year olds,"

"Thank you... Again, I'm just so nervous for tonight the boys came to an agreement to do a couple of shows and tonight is the first one, I'm all over the place!" I say.

"Take a deep breath in and out, relax," Jamie said as I nodded. "Now go before your late," I give my kids a quick hug goodbye before leaving.

Luckily the venue that they were playing at wasn't so far away. Once I arrived I made my way backstage showing the security guards my VIP pass.

"Ellie!" I heard Kelsey scream. Suddenly arms wrapped around me almost squeezing me to death.

"Kels! I... Can't... Breath..." I manage to get out with my last breath.

"Sorry I'm just so happy," Kelsey told me. "I'm so exited for this show, more than usual,"

"Same here, I can't believe that there is an actual concert going on and all five will be on the stage," I say as Kelsey and I walk down a white hallway.

"Babe!" I hear Nathan yell. "The kids are with Jamie right?"

"Yeah, and Jamie said she would give me hourly updates,"

"Okay good," Nathan said.

"Here is your microphone," a girl about 19 years old said.

"Thank you Amy, (@amysykes12) do you know if the guys are ready?" Nathan asked.

"There ready I just checked on them, I think there just nervous for the first show in four years," Amy replied. "Anyways, I have to go make sure everything is ready," Amy then walked passed me.

"Are you ready for tonight Nath?" Kelsey asked.

"As ready as I've ever been," suddenly the cheers of the crowd got louder and louder.


"Well that is my cue," Nathan give me a peck on the lips before walking over to the boys who just walked out of the dressing room.

"I think we should go find our seats," Kelsey suggested as I nod. We find our seats in the third row.

"Excuse me, your Ellie and Kelsey right?" A girl behind us asked.

"Yeah we are," Kelsey replied.

"Can I have a picture with you, if you don't mind," the fan asked.

"It's not problem, what's your name," I ask.

"My name is Lexi," Lexi replied (@Bruh_Lexi_is_best) We quickly took a picture right before the show started.

-Two Hours into the show-

"Tonight has been one of the best nights of my life besides the night my kids were born," Nathan says into the mic. "Before we end this night I would like to sing a cover song and for that cover song we will be doing Jason Derulo, Hope you guys enjoy,"

Chapters || Nathan Sykes (Sequel to Small Bump)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora