Chapter 4

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Ellie's P.O.V. (Christmas time)

"Don't fall," I heard someone say as I attempt to put the gold star on top of the Christmas tree. I turn around to see Nathan with Sutton in his arms. "You nearly feel over the edge of the stool,"

"I won't fall," I say as I put the star on the tree. "See, and look I didn't fall," I said as I got down from the stool. Nathan rolled his eyes at me before he put Sutton down on her pink bouncy chair next to Dylan and Connor.

"Anyways, we have to get going, your parents are expecting us for dinner tonight then we have the three hour drive to my mum's house for Christmas morning," Nathan said. "I'll get the diaper bags and presents in the car,"

"Kay, I'll get the babies!" I pick up Dylan and make my way to the car. I quickly buckling him up and making sure he is secure. After doing the same to the other two munchkins I get myself in the car.

"Ready?" Nathan asked.

"Will I ever be ready to have dinner with my parents?" I ask.

"Nope, but to bad so sad, you're going," Chuckling at Nathan's comment Nath starts up the car.

"Geez, I'm only going cause it's the babies first Christmas and I needed an excuse to get fat again, it's kinda wired not having a huge bump anymore," I said rubbing a fake pregnant stomach.

"It's also wired that your doing that," Nathan looked at me as I stopped.

"Well at least it's not as wired as your dancing on stage,"

"That's not wired; that's art,"

"You mean being an idiot is art?" I ask. "Then your an expert at it," Nathan looks at me with a scowl.

-1hr later-

I step out of the car as we arrive at my parents house. "I'll get Connor and Sutton, you can get Dylan," Nathan told me.  I nod as I pick up Dylan. I start walking over to the front door and knock.

"MY BABY!!!" My mum screams as she gave me a death hug.

"Mum, can't breath," I said as my mum let go apologizing. "Plus I'm not a baby,"

"Hun only babies say that," my mum said as my dad came into view.

"Hi dad," I have my dad a hug.

"Hi pumpkin, Merry Christmas!" My dad said.

"Dylan look, it's granny and granddad," I said.

"Hi baby Dylan, just one thing you should know... Don't ever call me 'granny' cause with a body like mine I could pass off as a twenty year old, so call me G," my mum said as I chuckle at her comment.

"Anyway where are the other two?" My dad asked.

"Right here," Nathan said as he walks in with Connor and Sutton.

"My grand babies," my mum squealed as she went and picked up Sutton.

"Mum is Eric here?" I ask.

"Yes, he's in his old room," I nodded as I went up the stairs. As I got closer to Eric's old room I started to hear a giggle coming from a girl. Eric got a girlfriend?

"You got two seconds before I open this door... 1! 2!" I said as I open the door to see Eric with wide eyes and a girl about his age with her shirt unbutton. Eric then tries to cover her exposed breasts.

"Hey baby sis," Eric said with a nervous laugh, "This is um my girlfriend Vanessa,"

I look at Eric and Vanessa, "Just make sure you use a condom, we have enough babies in this family," I said before I went back down stairs. My mum hands me Sutton so she could pick up Connor.

"Aw, how is my favorite niece?" Eric said coming down from the stairs with Vanessa behind him. Eric takes away Sutton from me.

"Dinner is ready, so come on, let's go eat before the food gets cold," my mum said leading us to the dining room table. Merry first Christmas.

Chapters || Nathan Sykes (Sequel to Small Bump)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora