chapter 5- The Party of the Year

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Chapter 5

Day 2 of high school. My plan?

Well first, be the head cheerleader.

Second, make all the girls be jealous of me and get enough attention to make a whole lot of things possible.

Third, organize the biggest party of the year. But there’s a problem with that one, I can’t make it at David’s house. So I need to find someone to help me with that. Someone that I’ll trust and that will not be in my way, at the same time.

So here I am, walking in the hall with my new best friends, going towards the cheerleading team list.  “Like oh em gee! Who’s going to be the head?! Like if that would be me, I would totally like, own the school.” I laugh under my breath a little as I hear Ariel say that, she actually never stops talking!

Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks so. “You told us that like 10 times already! Can you just shut up for a minute?!” Ray says to her while throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Ariel feigns hurt but doesn’t say anything. We all laugh at the little scene but stop as we see the list in front of us. A bunch of sad and crazy girls are standing in front of it, blocking the way. My friends all look around desperately, not knowing what to do. Taylor, Ariel and Gabby try to push through the crown but fail miserably. I ignore their little screams as they check if there nails are still intact. Emily shares a look with me and we nod our heads, knowing what to do.

She gets up on the bench. “Look at that, Xavier, Luke and Zack are taking off their shirts!” After she yelled that, all the girls squealed and turn around to find the 3 gorgeous boys. I get up on the bench as well.

“They went around the corner. Quick, follow them!” I yell as I point towards the end of the hall. The majority of the girls leave running, so we can finally get to the sheet. I give Emily a high five and we smirk as we get down and walk to the list. We all look at it together, finding our names one at a time. Everyone made it, and guess who the head is? Me. I smirk as all the girls that were gone come back and congratulate me.

I just shrug them off and leave as we head towards the cafeteria. When we walk in, I see the same nerd as yesterday trying to get my attention as he waits near the front of the line. I frown and shake my head. “I feel like eating out today.”

All the girls nod. “Sure, whose car are we taking?” Gabby asks.

“We can take mine, it’s a beautiful day out.” I smile.

“Okay, but we need to wait for Ray and A. They went to the bathroom.”

“Sure, but text them we’re waiting at the school’s entrance kay?” I tell Gabby.

She nods and pulls out her cell. We head out and wait for the other two for a couple of minutes. Just as I was about to text them again, I hear Ariel yell. “Oh my gosh! Xavier is throwing his beginning of the year party in two weeks!” She tells us and all my friends begin to squeal excitedly. I look at them lamely.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” They just kept repeating. I roll my eyes and shake my head amusedly, this is a joke right?

“We need to go shopping this weekend! And find dates!” Taylor yells.

“But Maddy doesn’t know any guys yet, we’ll need to help her! Do you have a guy in your mind Mads?” Emily asks me curiously.

I roll my eyes again and laugh a little as I see all the girls attention on me. “I’m not going.”

They all freeze and look at me in shock. “You can’t miss this! It’s the biggest thing of the year apart from prom night! Why don’t you want to go?!” Ariel yells.

A small smirk comes on my face. “Oh you girls aren’t going either.” I continue before they can interrupt me. “Cuz there’s a certain party that I’m organizing that’s coincidently on the same night.” 

They all look at me wide eyed. “But how…?”

“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s going to be the biggest event this school will ever see.” I reply to Gabby. She looks at me hesitantly but then nods.

“We’re in. What do you want us to do?” She says.

“Can we meet at my house after school?” They all nod. “Okay good. Until then, come up with good ideas, but importantly, don’t tell anyone about this.” I glare at them so they see the seriousness in this. “If you do, then watch your back because no one wants to get on my bad side.” I finish with a firm voice. I see Gabby with a smirk on her face, I wink at her and she nods. We have this in the bag.


“No one knows right?” I ask everyone. They all shake their heads. I look at them all lying around my room. I was kind of nervous to show them this, because they’re all much richer than me, but they don’t even seem to care.

“Okay so ideas! Shoot.” I say as I point to Gabby.

She sits up from her position and opens her laptop. “Here’s a program to design random stuff. My parents use it for the most formal occasions and they let me use their printers all I want. So we can use that for invitations and posters.” We all nod impressed. “Oh and where were you thinking for the location?”

“Honestly, at one of your houses.” I say a little sheepish.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She laughs. “Okay well we can do it at mine, I already checked the date and my parents are gone so it’s fine. They wouldn’t even mind. Is that fine with everyone?”

“Yeah, and your place is the best for this kind of stuff so don’t worry about it.” Taylor points out.

I nod. “Yeah that’s perfect. Anyone else got anything?”

“What were you thinking for the music?” Rachel asks curiously.

“Well I thought live music by popular artists would be pretty cool right?” I reply smirking. “Does any of you have any connections to good artist?”

“Black Eyed Peas.” Taylor replies. I nod my head in approval, that’s great.

“Try to get them to come ‘kay?” I tell her and she nods.

“Do you have someone?” Rachel asks me.

I nod and my grin comes back. “Oh yeah, LMFAO is going to be there rocking the house.”


There’s the next one :) oh and sorry for no romance yet :/ its coming though!

Please vote and comment to tell me if you like it! Thanks a lot for reading!! :D

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