chapter 7- Coincidence or not? (PICTURE OF LUKE!)

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Chapter 7




I lift up my hand to my head groaning. I try to get up, but the pounding in my head and pain makes it impossible. I open my eyes, but they close quickly because of the bright lights. I sigh and give up on doing anything, so I just stay still for a couple of minutes. I listen around the room, but no one is here.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

The faint beeping continues and I lift up my hand to hit my alarm clock on the side of my bed. I groan confusingly as my hand goes through air. I try to open my eyes again, but the same thing happens as last time. It didn’t hurt as much this time though. So I repeat the process and after what seems like hours, I finally look around my room. Well, this definitely isn’t my room! But where am I then? Bright white walls and medical equipment quickly answers my question.

Just as I’m trying to get up, the door opens quietly. I see my brother pop in his head with a worried expression. When he sees me looking at him, clear relief is shown. “Hey.” He says to me quietly with a faint smile. “You doing alright?”’ He asks me.

I groan, for what felt like the 20th time today. “I’m on a hospital bed, I can barely move because of pain, and I have no idea why. Yeah, I’m just awesome!” I reply with heavy sarcasm.

He chuckles a bit and nods. “Yeah, it was a dumb question.” I smile a bit and nod. “You really don’t remember how you got here?” He asks me with concern.

I think about it. “I-I, well, I, I don’t remember clearly. We went to the shooting range, -I wince-, and I forgot my purse. So I went back inside and I panicked. And I hit my head somehow?”

 “See, you remember most of it!” He laughs a little, trying to ease the tension. His face then turns serious again. “This guy apparently brought you in, he told us you rammed in a wall. Is that true, or did he hurt you Madison?” He asks me with concern again.

I gulp as I remember everything, I don’t see the point in lying to him, and he’s my brother after all. I never really kept anything from him. “Don’t worry he didn’t hurt me, intentionally.” My brother was about to say something but I lift up my hand for him to stop. “It’s not his fault, I panicked as I heard all the gun shots and I was alone, so I ran to the end of the room where my purse was. When I was like half way, I bumped into him and my head hit the floor hard. I then walked to my purse but when I was about to pick it up, I fainted.” I answer to him.

David nods, but he doesn’t seem completely convinced. “But why were you in a shooting range Madison?! We both know how much it affected you before, so why were you there? Plus it was on school hours.” He says, frowning. 

I laugh a little, feeling a bit nervous. “Long story short, we ditched school and the girls forced me to come.”

He frowns again and was about to speak but the door opens and a woman comes in, the doctor. I look her over and frown, did I ever see her before? She looks familiar. She doesn’t seem to notice this as she comes over to the bed. She looks at me in the eyes for a second and I see, pain and anger? She smiles kindly, but if you look closely you can see it’s fake.

 “How are you feeling?” She looks at me for a second and laughs. “No never mind, it’s a dumb question! Your head hurts right?” I nod. “Well, you had a small concussion, so it’s definitely normal. I’m just going to give you some pain killers and do a couple of tests then you’ll be free okay?” She says to me with a smile.

I nod gratefully and laugh. “Hey eumm, did I ever see you before?” I ask hesitantly.

She looks at me curiously and shakes her head. “No I don’t think I ever saw you before. I would have remembered a beauty like you for sure!” She jokes and laughs

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