Chapter 2- The Suprise Visit

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Chapter 2 :)

As the door closes and I get to my car, I fumble around in my purse trying to find my phone. When I finally find it, I get it out and get ready to dial. I press the first two numbers when I remember; I can’t call them. I shut my eyes and my chest heaves up and down as I take in deep breaths. Why can’t I call my friends? Because I don’t have any.

I get on the road, not really sure where I’m even going. After about 20 minutes of driving, I see a club on the side of the street. I think about it for a second but then I say to myself, why not? I make sure I have my fake ID with me and then I check what I’m wearing.

Deciding that it’s not clubbing clothes, I look in my back seat to find a black mini-skirt with black lacy tights to go with it. I keep on my black boots and my leather jacket. When I decide that I’m okay, I get out of my car and head towards the club. When I get in, I quickly go to the bar and get myself some drinks.

After drinking a couple glasses of alcohol, I decide to get on the dance floor. Some guy quickly joins me and I can’t help but to grind and let myself go. I grin on to his short hair and he kisses me roughly. I return back the kiss even if I don’t really feel like it, what can I say, I’m drunk. I look into the guy’s eyes and grin. Oh I love my fake ID.


“Ok, so can you repeat that again?” Lisa scolds me.

“I went to a friend’s house last night and we had a little… fun.”

“So you’re ‘fun’ means getting pissed drunk and probably staying up all night to have sex?” I don’t know what to answer to her so I just don’t.

“Madison you’re grounded. You can’t get out of this house without mine, or Lisa’s permission.” David says to me firmly.

I nod my head, “Okay, well can I go in my room now?” I look at Lisa expectantly. She puts on a big smile and shakes her head.

“Nope! ‘Cuz you are coming shopping with me!” I look at her confused.


“You have school tomorrow! You need more clothes!” I look at her likes she’s crazy, how can someone change moods this fast? And why would she want to come shopping with me? She hates me; I ruined her life by coming living with her. I look at David for help, but of course, he just encourages me to go.

I sigh then nod, “Fine. Let’s go.” Lisa takes my hand and pulls me forward. We run out of the house and drive away towards the mall. We go to a couple of stores and Lisa makes me try on different pieces of clothing, but never what I really want. After a couple of hours, I actually bought a lot. Not as much as I would have a couple months ago, but still a lot with the money we had. I didn’t buy any shoes, that is for right now…



“Yeah. It’s me.”

“How you doing giiirl? How is Lisa? I hope you didn’t get in more fights.”

I sigh, “Sadly we did. But that’s not what I called you for. I need more shoes!” I hear him laugh at the end of the line.

“Well you are lucky! Because you know what? The new line just got out and I saved you a couple of pairs of heels and boots!” I squeal excitedly and I hear him do the same.

“When will I get them? I have school tomorrow and I want to go there in fashion.” I ask him.

“Ohh, I don’t know. When do you want them?”

“The sooner the better!” I answer him confused.

“Okay!” He says and then he hangs up. I look at my phone even more confused than I was the minute before. Just as I was going to redial his number, the door bell rings.

A couple of seconds after, I hear David yell, “Mady! You have a friend at the door!” I yell back at him that I’m coming.

As I walk down the stairs, I’m actually really scared to see who it will be. Maybe David still thinks I actually have friends. If it’s one of my old ones, I don’t know how I’m going to react. I slowly peek around the corner of the living room to see who’s at the door. When I see who it is, I let out scream and run towards the door, taking François in a big bear hug.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe you’re here!!” I yell excitedly while jumping up and down.

He laughs, “Yes, the amazing François has arrived!” I giggle and a huge smile forms on my lips.

“Come on! I need to show you my room. Plus I really need to see those shoes!”

“What if I forgot them?”

“Well then I would probably kick you out of my house while yelling at you to never come back.” I say while trying to hold my serious face, but I just end up laughing again.

We joke the whole way to my room, and I try to peek in the bags he’s holding tightly in his hands. “Stop it! You can wait a couple more minutes dear!” He fake scolds me. I pout and reach secretly for the bags; well I thought it was sneaky. François slaps my hand away and takes off running.

“It’s right there.” I yell and point towards my door. He barges in and jumps on my comfy bed.

“Ok, so do you want to see the shoes?” I nod my head and sit besides him. He opens the bags and gets out 5 boxes. The first 3 had gorgeous high heels, all different but equally amazing! The last two had, a pair of boots and the other had flats.

“You like them?” François asks me.

“I LOVE THEM!” I jump up and give him a big hug again, for like the 5th time today. “Thanks so much! It really means a lot. And I can’t believe you came here!”

He smiles at me. “Yeah well I came to talk to you too.” He looks at me with a worried expression. “I know it’s a hard time for you and I know you need a friend and stuff, so, I came.” I can feel the tears building up in my eyes.

“I’m so glad you came. Life isn’t all that great right now, but you can’t keep on worrying about me, you have a job to fulfill and a whole life ahead of you! Tomorrow I have school, I’m gonna make myself some friends and everything will be better.” I try to convince him… and myself. “Anyways, let’s just have fun!” He smiles and nods, but I can tell the subject isn’t closed.


ouff, I finally uploaded! I really hope you like it! :) let me know if you did! 

Vote and comment and I WILL upload very soon :D

* check out my other stories too please! *

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