Chapter 3- It's My Life, Not Yours

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Chapter 3

"Walk it, walk it! Come on girl! Shake those hips!" I hear François yell at me. I burst out laughing, not able to handle it anymore. He looks at me with a hurt expression. "Are you laughing at me?!" He asks. I manage to nod my head a little as I see a small smile getting on my best friend's face. My attempt to walk and show off my new clothes to him was a fail, but I had lots of fun!

"No I'm not laughing at you! I was um, coughing..? Yeah, see I was just coughing!!" I struggle to answer him and say as I emphasize laughing.

"Aren't you a good friend? You need to lie to me, horribly may I add, to make me feel better? Humph!" He crosses his arms over his chest and turns around, sitting on the ground. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry François, do you forgive me?" I pout my lips in a puppy dog face and my eyes widen in surprise as he jumps ups and returns the hug.

"Okay!" He answers excitedly. Yeah, our friendship is really weird. I giggle as we fall on my bed and I land right on top of him. Just as that moment, David comes in. His eyes widen as he sees our position, and I burst out laughing again.

"I'm, um, I'm just going to leave you two, um, alone..."He was about to close the door again but I yell at him to stop.

"Nothing, *laugh and catch my breath* n-nothing is happening b-between us! *laugh*" I say to him as I think about me and François being together as an item. I look at François and see that's he's laughing down on the floor too.

"Yes, d-don't worry a-about us! I'm, *laughs* g-gay!" He tells my brother. David nods his head understanding, but he can't hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. I crack up laughing even harder now.

"Did you guys drink...?" David asks us warily. I shake my head and point him the door, I think it's his time to leave.

As he closes the door and we take a couple of good breaths, François sits down on the bed. He looks around the room and nodding his head in approval. "I like your new bedroom. It's very you." He says to me. And then I think I heard him say something like "Why doesn't she show it?" under his breath.

I nod too, "Yeah, I love it actually. It's just my own space that I like to own. The one place where I don't worry about anything really." I answer him, half lying. I still can't forget what happened to me these past months. And it still bothers me.

He smiles and then I see his eyes widen and his mouth drop a little bit. "You're playing the guitar again?!" He asks me curiously and surprised.

I look at him shocked. Well, I guess that's a way to kill the mood. I shake my head. "No, it's not eve mine. It was here before." He nods slowly but stays serious.

"Did you even pick it up?"

I stay mute for a minute, what do I answer to that? If I say yes, he'll want me to play it. I can't and I really don't want to do that right now. "No."

"Oh, okay." He smiles sadly at me."You have school tomorrow?" He asks me. I nod. "And what do you plan on doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Maddy."

I sigh and nod. "I'm not going to do anything different. It's high school, I know how it works." I answer him in a duhh voice.

He looks at me shocked. "What?!"

"I'm not going to change, I wi-"

He cut me off, "Why?!"

Just that one word, that one single word, left me speechless for a second. After about a minute, I find him still looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Why would I change myself?" Yup, that was my brilliant answer.

"Madison, you know things will never be the same again! You need to face that! And what in your life before was so amazing that you want to have it back anyways?! Your friends weren't really your friends; they just stayed with you for your money and fame!!

How did they prove that?! Well you know the answer to that. No one should know the good answer to that more than you. And you know that, maybe you don't realize what you want and need yet but until you find out, just make good choices." He finishes his speech with his eyes begging at me to understand.

But I just don't, and I won't. I'm sick of people telling me about choices and mistakes. They're mine so why do they care?! I think about what he said and I feel the pain and anger rising. How dare he even say that?! François is the only person who I thought understood and that I can spend nights with him without worrying about anything. But I guess I was wrong.

"Can you leave?" I ask him quietly.


"Just please leave. I will live my life on my own if that's what it takes to do it my way."

He looks at me with his mouth dropped down. I see sadness in his eyes as he answers me. "Fine, but when you find out what you really need and what's important to you in life, come back and see me." As soon as he finishes that sentence, he walks out the door, and out of my house.

You may think I overreacted, and it was a stupid thing to do. But hey, this is my life, not yours. A lot of things changed in my life, and all around me. My friends and family changed.

I honestly don't think anyone will ever completely understand me.

But I promise myself, that senior year, won't be so much different from last year. I will stay the same. The circumstances aren't the same, the school is different, my house and my friends will be too. But I, won't change.

I'm the 'it' girl, I'm the queen bee, I'm the bitch. And the prom queen. No one will take that away from me.

You may ask why? See I just proved my point. No one understands.


omg I finally got it written! And it's not even a long chapter! :( I'm so sorry guys!

(stupid writers block)

But do you know what got me writing? All of You!! Recently I got more fans ( I love youuu!), more reads, votes and comments so I'm even on the what's hot list!!! # 717 but hey! I'm happy with it! :D

Please help me stay in it with votes, reads and comments :) , oh and if anyone wants me to make you a cover or something just pm me anytime kay? :P

And if you want me to check out your story too! But the only thing I really read is books with romance in it, I don't really care if its humor, fantasy, or with werewolves! Ill pretty much read em all! :)

Okay that's all I have to say ;) good day everyone! :) <3

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