Chapter 1- My New Home

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**Anyone who want to make me a cover for this story please do! (Madison is a blonde) :D **

Chapter 1

Madison's POV

I walk in the house and look around, my new home. This house compared to my old one is nothing. Before, I had a big mansion; three stories high and a whole lot of rooms. We had a big yard with a giant pool, perfect for parties. My mom would always take care of the house; it would always be in perfect condition, inside and outside. She had planted a lot of different sorts of beautiful flowers and each week she would go and pick some out to put in vases all around the house.

When I was little, we would always go and play outside together, surrounded by the plants. I grid my teeth and my fists clench just thinking about the memories. That was all before, all in the past. Nothing like that is happening anymore. And I have a feeling that's it's not going to change anytime soon.

I hear the door close behind me and the sound of bags dropping on the floor. I look behind me and see my 24 year old brother, David, standing behind me smiling. "You like it?" I just nod, not knowing what to say. He gestures me to follow him in his house. He shows me every room and then stops at the last one down the hall.

"This is yours, if you don't like it we can redecorate. It was the guest bedroom before so we don't mind." I nod again and then he opens the door. I look around the room and immediately smile. "It's perfect." I whisper to myself. David smiles back at me excitedly as I walk in.

"I'll go get your bags." He leaves the room and I take the time to look around closely. The room was big, well I think. My old room was about three times this one, but this was still bigger than average. The queen size bed is in the middle of the room while

on the left wall, is a working desk and small bookshelf. Two bean bag chairs are on the same wall as the door, but still on the left side of it.

On the right side of the room is basically the walk in closet. I quickly run in there and look at how big it is. It's about a quarter of my old one but now I don't even have the clothes and the kind of money to have as much clothes as I had then. I sigh sadly but quickly push it away.

I walk back in the room to find all my bags on my bed and David and Lisa standing besides it. "You like the room Mady? If you don't we could change it if you want to. Repaint it and get new furnitu-"

"Don't even think about repainting the room missy!" I fake glare at Lisa and she lets out a relieved sigh. I'm not really on good terms with her, but I can't help but be in a good mood right now.

"So I'm guessing you like the color blue?" She asks me with a small smile.

"Yeah, I find it relaxing. Blue; like the ocean or the sky." Or the sea. I shudder lost in my thoughts, I can't keep thinking about my past. When I look back at Lisa she's not there anymore. She's right, I love the color blue. The whole room is all blue, but from different shades. Most of it is pale blue, a faded turquoise and white. It all blend perfectly together and it's purely me.

I pick up my first bag and open it. I take the clothes out and start putting it on the racks and shelves. When I get to my last box, I open it and smile. My shoes. I got to keep most of them, unlike all my other designer clothes. When my parents died, I lost everything. My money, house, cars, anything with a big value. One of the shoe designers, François, is a good friend of mine and let me keep his shoes I owned. I was so happy; I can't live without my heels, and François. I pick up the box and take it in my closet. I put it on the floor and take out everything, putting it on the shoes racks.

I get back to my bed and lay down on it, enjoying how comfortable it is. I tilt my head to the side and my eyes goes wide when I see an acoustic guitar up on a stand. I can't, no, I can't.


I don't know, it's been too long. I slowly get up in a sitting position and stare at the guitar for a bit longer. I sigh and finally lean forward to grab it. Once I have it on my lap, I start playing it a little and a sudden feeling of calmness fills me up. I open my mouth but then close it quickly, tears starting to fill up my eyes.

I stand up, drop the guitar on its stand quickly, and then I grab my purse and a pair of 4 inch high heel boots. I put them on while running through my bedroom door. Once I'm downstairs, I head towards the door. I don't even bother sneaking out, but I guess I thought wrong.

"Where do you think you're going?" I turn around to the sound of the stern voice and see Lisa standing there, her hands on her hips.

"I umm, just want to visit the neighborhood?"

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah, sure. Now tell me where you're really going." She looks at me right in the eyes and I can't help but look away. My idea seems stupid now.

"You don't need to know..."

"I kind of do Madison." I turn around again and glare at her.

"Look, I may live with you and you're my brother's fiancée, but you can't boss me around all day and you don't need to know where I am all the time." I say in one breath. Then I turn around, walk out the house, and shut the door while yelling to Lisa that I'm going to be back safe and sound soon.


This is chapter 1! Whoohoo :D haha...

Anyways, hope you like it! :D if you did, please FAN, and tell me in a COMMENT!

VOTES always help me to upload sooner too ;)

Please bring me back on the what's hot list :D

Love you all!!!!

**Anyone who want to make me a cover for this story please do! (Madison is a blonde) :D **

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