chapter 4- My Place in the Squad (PICTURE OF THE GIRLS)

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Chapter 4

High school.

Those two words can mean so much to a person, in a good, and a bad way. Some people use those four years to have fun, some focus on sports, some on grades. What do I want to have in high school? What I always and always will have, power, popularity and boys. I want my last year to be fun, and I promise myself that it will be a crazy and amazing year.

I'm currently picking what I want to wear. Its 7:00 am, school starts in two hours, I made sure I had plenty of time to get ready. I pick up a couple items of clothing, then I decide on a white frilly tank top with a black leather jacket, jeans short shorts, and black high heel boots that goes up to my knees. Then I get in the bathroom, dry and slightly curl my blonde hair. I do a thin line of soft grey eye liner around my eyes and put on black mascara. After a little more silver eye shadow, my name gets called from down stairs.

"I'm coming!!" I quickly put my cell phone in my back pocket and grab my school bag. Then I run downstairs, eat quickly the toast Lisa prepared me, and jumped in my white convertible BMW. I drive to school fast, and when I drive in the parking lot, I quickly find a spot, excited to start a new year.

I get out of my car slowly, making sure I make a good impression. I smile with satisfaction as I see most of the faces in the lot turn to look at me. I look around myself looking for certain people. When I spot them, my smile gets even larger. The football jocks/players, and the cheerleaders/whores. I make sure to ignore them and just walk towards the school. I walk my perfect walk and make sure my hair is flowing lightly on my back and that my hips are shaking just the right amount. I climb up the steps to the main entrance.

I walk down the hall looking at each wall and I stop when I see what I was looking for, the cheerleader squad tryouts. And look at that, they need a new captain. I smirk to myself and then I pick up the pencil that was just hanging there and sign my name expertly; Madison Grey <3.

When I turn around, three guys are standing there. I saw them earlier in the jocks group. The one standing in the front talks. "Hey Madison, are you going to be a cheerleader? That's hot." He says smirking as his eyes goes up and down my body. "Wanna go out tonight?"

I look at him up and down, just like he did. Yeah, I can't deny that he's smoking hot but no way am I hooking up with him! "I'll pass." I answer him in an uninterested voice. Before he can react, I turn around and walk down the hall, with my heels clicking on the floor with each step I take.


"Stop pushing!" "Aw come on dude that's not fair!" "This food isn't even good."

I ignore all the complaining as I walk towards the front of the line. I see this guy with nerdy glasses close to the front and I nod to myself in approval. I walk towards him and put my arm around his shoulders as I get to him. "Hey there." I purr into his ear. "Do you mind if I join you in line?" I ask him as I make sure my chest is up and the cleavage down. I see him look down and gulp before stuttering, "O-of course n-not-t." I whisper thank you in his ear and keep my arm on his shoulder until I pay for my food.

"Bye." I say to him and then I kiss him on the cheek. A small blush comes up to his face but I turn around and walk away before he can say anything. I hear lots of laughs and whistles as I sit down at a table alone. Well alone then. I hear people putting their food and I look up. "What are you doing here?" The five girls stop in mid air and look at me in shock.

A small red head answers me. "Well we think you're cool and we didn't think you would mind us sitting here cuz you're new and hot and tha-"

"Oh shut up Ariel! Look, do you really mind if we sit here or not?" The girl right besides me asks.

I laugh and shake my head. "There's someone I was looking for! And no not really, are you all cheerleaders?"

"Yeah, our head was a senior last year so this year's competition is going to be big! I saw that your name is on the sheet, you any good?" The same girl answers me.

"I don't know, you'll just have to wait and see." I say with a smirk.

She nods and smiles. "I like you. I'm Gabrielle, you?"

"Madison, but you can call me Maddy. Who's all that?" I ask her as I point to all the girls listening to every detail of our conversation.

"This is Tay, Ariel or A, Em, Ray and I'm Gabby." Here's what they look like and what I learned about them over lunch.

Gabby: Real name is Gabrielle and she's the 'it' girl, well before I came that is! She's actually nice, but you don't want to get on her bad side. She's rich but actually doesn't show it. She's a tall brunette with straight hair.

Tay: real name is Taylor. She's the closest to Gabby. She's the one with the brains, but not that nerdy girl! She just thinks more than the rest of them. One of the things we have in common: she loves shoes. She has short black hair and killer legs that she likes to show off.

Ariel: Sometimes her friends call her A. She's the one who talked to me first. A blabber mouth and she definitely can't keep a secret! Her hair is bright red and she's small.

Em: Her real name is Emily. Her hair is very short and it's white. Her dark eyes make it real cool and she's truly a sports fan. She's the most fit and trained in all of them.

Ray: Her real name is Rachel. Her long curly black hair and big boobs attracts a lot of guys and she's not afraid to admit that she's a slut. She loves to have a guy's attention and makes the most of it when she does.

Ironic right? I was laughing in my mind pretty much all lunch at how high schoolish popular gang they are. But I actually really like some of them, we'll see in the future...


I put on my tight spandex and my light pink tank top plus matching shoes. I pick up my borrowed pom-poms from the bench and head out to the field. When I get in, I see most of the girls starting to warm up. I quickly join them but I try to stay in my own bubble as much as possible. I need to be the head cheerleader.

The cheer tryouts on the first day, in a bit of a rush are we? I laughed at that, they really want the best, and quick too. I hear the coach whistle and yell at us to come in. We all run towards her, some girls skipping there or even trying to walk like they're on a runway. I shake my head at them and chuckle; coach doesn't want some pussy's who can't take care of themselves! She wants confident, strong and beautiful girls who can perform flips and yell perfectly at each game.

Coach Patricia introduces herself and talks about random crap, and then she gives us a simple routine where she'll eliminate girls from there. After about half an hour, about half of the girls who was here is gone and things gets more serious. An hour passes by and then Coach Patricia tells us that it's done. I smile to myself felling proud. I know I did well today and now all I can do is hope.


A/N YAY I posted!! :) please VOTE and tell me if you like it! :)

If I get 10 votes, I will upload again in the next few days so please show your support! :D *and fan if you want the updates on when or why I can upload or not, I've been sick recently and stuff.*

Love you all! <3

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