When the power goes out

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Aries: Really angry and annoyed but stay in their house to fix things.

Taurus: Snuggles up on the couch watching their favorite shows.

Gemini: Either texting or face-timing their friends about how freaked out they are.

Cancer: Stays with a friend until its fixed.

Leo: Really excited and probably walks around wrapped in a blanket with a flashlight.

Virgo: just goes to sleep.

Libra: Fills their house with scented candles.

Scorpio: Just locks themselves in their room with their phone because they do NOT want to deal with this.

Capricorn: On the phone with electricians until its fixed cause they got shit to do.

Sagittarius: Leaves the house to avoid the problem. You'll probably find them at a Mcdonalds at 4AM.

Aquarius: They are completely prepared and already have a generator.

Pisces: Grabs every pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal in their house and create a mountain that they then proceed to bury themselves in.

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