The signs baking

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aries: i dont have flour. you know what? fuck it. i'll cook this shit without flour.

taurus: *doesn't even bake. just buys food from the bakery*

gemini: *bakes too much, eats it all, ends up sugar high.*

cancer: *accidentally drowns the ingredients in a pool of tears*

leo: im SO good at baking! i don't need any help! *bakes something that tastes like play dough*

virgo: *screams when there's a tad too much of frosting on the cake*

libra: *accidentally knocks the mixing bowl over*

scorpio: *puts poison in the food*

sagittarius: *tries to look cool and doesnt use gloves to pull the cake out of the oven and burns hands off*

capricorn: *spends all night creating the perfect cake*

aquarius: *creates own cake recipe and it tastes like shit*

pisces: *forgets that the cake has been in the oven for too long and the house catches on fire*

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