The signs studying togther

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Virgo: *hands out everyone's books and settles down* are we ready to start?

Sagittarius: *glaring at Leo* Leo is on their phone. *looks over their screen* dude are you watching porn?

Leo: What? No? *hurriedly puts away phone* Um *awkward coughing* So um, math?

Capricorn: *rubbing temples* Actually, this is history...

Libra: Shit! I brought my Spanish book... Guess I have to go home, oh well...

Taurus: *pulling Libra back by the arm* Oh no you don't, you don't even take Spanish.

Virgo: *slightly annoyed laughter* Ok guys, we're going to start now... PISCES. Stop sleeping.

Pisces: *drool hanging out of their mouth* Wha? Elvis...? *conks out again*

Aquarius: What happens when you die? I wonder if there are other worlds? What if there is an alternate universe where they fight dragons but watch TV about us...

Capricorn: Shut UP, Aquarius.
Aquarius: *shrugs*

Aries: Guys, I'm failing this class. So if you could PLEASE...

Gemini: No, I like what Aquarius is
talking about... *scoots over to engage in conversation about aliens*

Virgo: Guys, be quiet!!

Everyone: *continues talking*


Everyone: *silence*

Cancer: *lip trembles*

Pisces: Oh no, look what you did. Come on Cancer... Don't cry, it's ok.

Cancer: Actually. It's just really cold in here, can you close that window? Why does everyone always assume I'm going to cry?

Virgo: *throws book out the window* *walks out*

Everyone: *shrugs* *continues talking*

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