When they are angry

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Aries: Throws stuff, yells, but can calm down soon enough and apologize.

Taurus: Doesn't get mad easily, mostly gets annoyed and frustrated. But when they do get mad, they don't really yell, they try to get their point across calmly.

Gemini: Insults the person they are mad at a lot. Lots of uses of "bitch and douche". Yells over text, doesn't talk about feelings in person.

Cancer: Very similar to Pisces, but needs to talk to someone about it.

Leo: They don't want to talk to anyone, but if they do it's all just insults. Might get a bit violent but always feels bad about it later.

Virgo: Yells and belittles all the people they hate. Points out all their flaws and spills all of the secrets. Doesn't bother to filter anything, either.

Libra: Needs alone time, but can talk it through later. Rarely gets angry.

Scorpio: Screams, yells, hits, throws, cries, basically just the whole 'temper tantrum' deal.

Sagittarius: Explodes, then has to go for a walk to cool off. Doesn't apologize if the person they got mad at doesn't deserve it.

Capricorn: Gets mad when others get mad, always thinks they were right, but can suck it up occasionally.

Aquarius: Neatly bottles it all up inside their head. Saves it for when they explode later; if you make them really mad in one move, then you must have done something really bad. Run, run as fast as you can.

Pisces: Don't get mad. They just get emotional. Lots of crying, pillow punching, and desperation. They still tend to not spill everything, though.

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