Why got sent to the princple office

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Aries:Nearly killed someone in a fight, because that someone insulted their mother

Taurus:Stole food out of the vending machine, because they didn't have any money and they were hungry

Gemini:Stole the answer key for their history final and accidentally dropped it in plain view during the test

Cancer:PDA and drugs

Leo:Insulting their teacher's wardrobe behind her back, but very loudly

Virgo:Cutting gym class

Libra:Leo implicated them to get out of trouble

Scorpio:Having an orgy in the
janitor's closet

Sagittarius:Getting drunk, cutting class, stealing their teacher's car, and crashing into a pole

Capricorn:They got a praise referral for acing their AP calc final

Aquarius:They lost their phone and someone returned it

Pisces:Trying to swim in the water fountain under the influence of drugs

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