The signs and mario kart

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Aries: The one hacker who just appears in front of you when they were in like 10th place

Taurus: In second place constantly fighting for first with Sagittarius

Gemini: Knows all the damn short cuts

Cancer: Keeps getting last, but if you try
to laugh at them they WILL kill you

Leo: Repeatedly screams "FUCK YOU", "FUCK NO", "FUCK THIS", or, occasionally, just "FUCK."

Virgo: Whispers "It's all fun and games til someone gets hurt" and proceeds
to ram everyone with their cart

Libra: Angry cause they keep getting third place behind fucking Daisy

Scorpio: Fires every last damn blue shell, fake item box, banana, lighting, and blooper. Fuck them.

Sagittarius: Probs summons Satan to win

Capricorn: Laughs maniacally when they pass you

Aquarius: The one who is in last place most of the way then SOMEHOW they just appear in first

Pisces: Gets really angry when they lose

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