How to make the signs happy

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Aries: Take them out for food or something fun, it will take their mind off the problem or why they're sad

Taurus: Let them be for a while, then offer to just keep them company

Gemini: Talk to them and listen to what they have to say, they will appreciate having someone to talk to

Cancer: Hug them and make them laugh, try and share their frustration or what ever they are feeling, it will make them feel better knowing someone agrees

Leo: Take their mind off the problem by talking about something they're really passionate about

Virgo: If they are annoyed or sad, try and relate to their problems or agree with them, if they want to be left alone, leave them alone, they mean it

Libra: Make them laugh and be optimistic, tell them it will get better, but not in an annoying way

Scorpio: Let them vent to you, but not be pushy trying to cheer them up, sometimes they need to be left alone

Sagittarius: Change the subject to something they like, they don't usually like it when people try and cheer them up, they don't like to feel babied

Capricorn: Be calm in the way you approach them, they don't really like to tell people their problems so don't ask them whats wrong, just be there incase they need you

Aquarius: Take them outside or do something exciting, ask them if they want to talk and if they don't then just chill with them

Pisces: Prompt them to talk about what's making them upset, they will probably feel better once they get it out, be there to listen and be accepting

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