The Signs During Hide and Seek

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Aries: Pretends they don't want to at first but then they get really into it; literally attacks people for best spot

Taurus: Volunteers to be seeker first and  finds everyone in like 3 seconds

Gemini: Hides with other people and gets them caught cause they were talking

Cancer: Gets found first a lot, but they're never sore losers about it

Leo: The one who hides behind a tree and it works surprisingly well, but then has the same spot every time

Virgo: The one who hides really well and no one can find them; found eventually because they were laughing as people passed

Libra: Gives away their hiding spot because they can't stop laughing

Scorpio: Hops on a plane and hides in another country

Sagittarius: Always hides out of bounds, especially outside

Capricorn: Hides in the weirdest places

Aquarius: Changes their hiding spots throughout, often following the seeker to troll them

Pisces: The one who hides and everyone forgets about them

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