"I agree, however I think I want to see her, but only IF you agree to come with me. Hunter and I are in a good place right now so I'm not too worried by what she may say. I'm actually kind of curious yet nervous all at the same time. If that makes sense?"

"It does. It's your call. If that's what you want to do then I'll go with you. Text me the name of the restaurant and time you decide on and I will come pick you up."

"Thanks, Liz. I owe you."

"I hope you know what you're doing?"

"I think I do. I'll text you." I say as I end the call.

After I take a few seconds to organize my thoughts, I say a silent prayer that I'm not making the biggest mistake of my life, by agreeing to see her. Then I take a deep breath and return Kelly's text.

L: I checked with my sister and we both can meet you for lunch. When and where?


Liddy's POV Continued

Two hours later, Liz and I are waiting at a quiet restaurant on the outskirts of Nashville. We requested a booth in the back, near a side door, just in case things get too uncomfortable and we have to leave.

"What do you think she wants?" Liz asks.

"I have a feeling she knows or suspects that Hunter and I are together and wants to confront me about it."

"So have you two finally talked? Are you officially a couple?" She smiles.

"Uhm no, but I think it's only a matter of time. We spent the last two days together acting like we're together. He gave me two of the sweetest Christmas gifts. Here is one of them." I say as I show her the charm bracelet and explain what each charm means.

"That is beautiful and really sweet. What was the other gift?"

"He gave me a CD with my favorite song on it. He changed it up a bit so as to make it my very own."

"Well, he certainly put a lot of thought into your presents that's for sure." She takes a sip of the water sitting in front of her. "I'm really happy you two worked it out."

I smile. "Now, do you understand why I'm not too concerned by anything Kelly has to say?"

"Yes.  So are you going to tell her, you and Hunter are together if she doesn't know? She might just be meeting with us to try and get us, I mean you to share who the new girl is in Hunter's life."

"I'm not sure what I'm going to say."

"Well, you better figure it out fast. Here she comes."

"Hey Liz, hey Liddy. How was your Christmas?" Kelly asks as she sits across from us.

"It was great." Liz says.

"Mine was pretty low key. Harper was sick with a fever the whole time." I say. "So how was yours?"

"I've had better. That's for sure." She says as she starts to tear up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry, it's just that I'm really emotional right now."

"It's okay." Liz states. "What did you want to talk with us about?"

Kelly smiles. "First off I want to thank you both for meeting me. I really need to talk to someone and you two are the only ones that know about Hunter and me."

Liz flashes me that "I told you so" look. "Well, we knew that you and Hunter were dating but we have been wondering if maybe you broke up, by the way he's been acting." Liz says.

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