(Sarah's POV) Chapter 22- Mission impossible

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It smells like my favorite. Steak, with I hope corn, sweet potatoes, and sweet rolls.

The living room is connected to the kitchen, which has the door to the backyard. I can hear my dad back there at the grill. When he sees us, he waves at us. He talks to some else and then starts walking towards us.

When he finally gets in the living room, he gives Zavior a look over.

"So your the lucky one?" My dad ask with a few hard pats to Zaviors back, yet he doesn't flinch or move at all. "All muscly, now aren't yea?" My dad say while showing off his muscles. When he starts to to growl, I begin to really panic.

My mom walks into the middle of the episode and she just walks up to my dad.

"All your muscles are here baby." She states, while patting his butt, making him chuckle.

"Um.. We'll be right back." I say really fast, then pull Zavior away with me.

I just kept walking ignoring what ever they said back. I take him to the top of the stair case, which is where all the rooms are.

I blush at the thought of me and Zavior in a room, with a bed. I shack my head of the thought and try and focus on the point we came up here.

"How long does this little side affect last?" I finally ask.

He grabs my hand and makes me look at him and not at his feat.

"Not long. Give them an hour." He states.

"An hour. I have to last this for an hour. I thought they where embarrassing before, but now.. Their just being ridiculous." I state, breathing heavy.

"Hey." He makes me look at him again, when my head starts to go down again. "You'll make it through. We'll make it through." He says.


After the embarrassing baby photos, the corny jokes, and finished dinner, I made it. It wasn't soo bad. Once it wore off my mom even changed her outfit, saying how she put something on that's more comfortable and appropriate. Lucky for me my brother didn't do anything bad other laughing at my parents nothing different.

When it came to bed arrangements, I'm glad my parents sent him into the guest room. I just wouldn't have stop blushing if they had asked me.

I've been staring at the ceiling for about an hour, just rethinking everything that happen. In a week, its all unbelievable. Zavior said he had the school issue under control, but I feel like I'm cheating. Imma have to ask about that. I make a mental note of it, when I hear a soft peck on my window.

I glance over to see what it is, but I didn't see anything. Right when I was going to lie back down, Zavior pops up ut of nowhere.

"Shit." I mumble. He scared the crap out of me. he makes some hand signal telling me to come to the window. I open the window and help him in, even though he probably doesn't need it as a vampire and all.

"I want you to meet a friend of mine." He says getting right to the point. No beating around the bush. No hi, or I love you.

"Kay." I simply say.

He jumps out the window and motions me to jump into his arms. I shack my head in disbelieve. Before I know it, I'm jumping out the window. He catches me easily and takes my hand and leads me off to who knows where. I may be getting a little to use to being lead off to places I don't know.

I try and make small talk. But all I got were one word answers.

Favorite color: Red. Favorite number: 6. I didn't ask favorite food, already knowing the answer. So I just gave up and got let in thought.

I'm afraid to ask who this friend is, but I'm very curious.

We finally end up at a park a couple blocks away. A simple park. Slide, swings, and little odds and ends there and there.

I didn't see anyone.

"Is he here?" I ask. Zavior only shushes me in response.

By the way Zavior is acting, I'm beginning to think I won't like this friend.

"Boo!" Someone says behind me, making me jump major high.

I look behind me to find a guy that looks really similar to Zavior. Other than he has younger features.

"Report." Zavior orders. I keep looking at them both. Zavior wont look at me, but this 'friend' is smiling at me.

"I think you forgot older brother, that you don't rule over me." He says glaring at Zavior.

I gasp at the 'older brother' part.

"Aw. My brother hasn't told you about me. I'm the more sexier one. The names Jackson." He says flirtatiously.

"Report." Zavior growls.

"Fine, fine. The One is ready. And he doesn't like to wait."

The one? Brother? Before I can ask him anything, he's gone.

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