(Sarah's POV) Chapter 16 - abandon ship

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I keep looking around me for the source of the voice. All the windows are boarded up. It smells like a animal died in here.

The door is wide open, so I decide to see if its okay to go.

"I wouldn't if I were you, sweety." A voice says.

I look around, but I still don't see anyone.

"Up here." They say.

I slowly look up and see he's hanging to a loose board.

A scream pierces the air.

He comes at lighting speed and covers my mouth, making me realize I'm the one screaming.

"Shhh. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to play."he says while licking my cheek.

He squeezes my cheek so I'm not able to scream.

"You taste ama-zing" he states making me whimper.

" Huh, what was that?" He teases.

"You sick, fucker." I spit.

He throws me like a rag doll, making me hit the boarded windows so hard I think I heard it crack. Or it could have been my back.

"Your pretty, but I don't know. I'm beginning. To get... Hungry."

In a flash, he's back on the ceiling. His eyes are red and he has  waaay more then two fangs.

I really begin to panic when his head begins to shack at incredible speeds. I may be a dummy on the topic Vampires, but I'm pretty sure they aren't suppose to do that.

I look around for an escape. If I run for the door, I'll for sure be dead meat. Literally.

Behind me, one of the windows boards are practically off. If I run fast enough I should make it through.

Before I think it through I start running and praying that I wont die.

I crash through the window and a bright light fills my eye blinding me.

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