(Sarahs POV) Chapter 8 - Mind Tricks

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"What do you mean?" I feel like my head is about to fly off, "How do you know that? How can any of this be even possible?"

"So you have no idea what your powers are?"

"What the hell! Of course I don't! Because there are no such thing as humans with powers." I know I sound rude, but I'm getting sick and tired of all this bull.

"Don't get mad at me!" He's standing up now.  "I just found this out and I thought you deserve the truth!"

"How do you even know that that's the truth. I'm pretty sure that I'd now what my powers are, if I had any! How did you even get the idea in your head?"

"It's a long story, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't lie."

"Pretty sure? I'm Pretty sure I deserve the truth!" I spit his words back at him, while rolling my eyes.

He finally sits back down, "Fine." He takes a deep breath, "I left you earlier because there were these vampires I didn't know, that where close by and I knew they were after me. I tried to ignore them, but I knew if I stayed to long I'd be endangering you.  So after I left, I followed them. There where three of them. I killed one, but one sneaked up on me. He told me that their Master wants you for your powers and that I should stay away from you."

"And are you?"

"Am I what?" He ask, irritation filling his voice.

"Going to leave me, so they can take me?"

 "Hell no! I may not really know you, but I'm not stupid." His eyes soften.

"You really did kill one?" my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Yea.  It's something that has to be done to some of us."

"By 'us', you mean vampires."

"Yes, although I don't like to be called the same as them. They're like little puppets with strings. Doing everything there master tells them to do."

"So if, and I'm saying if this is all true, how do I find out what my power are?"

"That's the thing, I first was thinking that you should stay here so they can't get to you, but I  don't know if you'll agree to that. Then after I got that out of the way, I could go and have a... talk with their master."

"What about me? Am I suppose to just stay and wait for answers, like a good little girl? What am I going to tell my Mom." What am I saying? I don't even believe him at all, I'm just playing along... aren't I?

"Well I can't tell you what to do, but for your Mom I was planning to sort of... you know... hypnotize her..."

Could things get any more weird?

"I did it on the phone earlier..."

"That's why she threw the phone at me!" Things start to click.

"Yeah I didn't mean for that to happen. It's just that I haven't had to do that in a while." He scratches the back of his head because he's nervous?

"Can you do anything else?"

"What? Oh, no. I mean yes, I can make things appear...."

"Like anything?" Excitement fills me. Wait, no I'm just playing along, I think.

"Yeah. If I show you, will you believe me?"

"Um.. yea.." I say trying to act cool.

"It's only small things, but..." He stares at the table, he's blue eyes focused. When I glance at the table, a puppy appears.

A gasp slips from my mouth, when it gives me a playful growl. I look back a Zavior and I see he's laying back against the couch.

"Are you okay?" He seems tired all of a sudden. 

"Yes...yes... I'll be right back. It sort of took a lot of energy. I haven't done that in years."

He walks into the next room. I still have so many questions. I don't know if I believe him or not. I know I should probably run, but I seem to be stuck to my chair. My curiosity seems to always get the best of me and it may be the death of me. Like they say, 'curiosity killed the cat'.

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