(Sarah's POV) Chapter 26 - Training

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We've been here for a day now and Zavior insist that I train to fight. To tell you the truth, I suck. The whole hitting someone isn't in me. I finally got the whole feet thing, though. I may also have the speed. Maybe not vampire speed but I'm fast, for a human.

I'm always wondering what its like to be a vampire. If I ask to be turned, will it hurt? Am I going to a craving for blood all the time? Is there a chance I'll go crazy and maybe even attack someone? I'll have yo ask Zavior sometime.

Since Alex is some what my responsibility, I asked for him to train me. For some reason Zavior didn't like that. I'm beginning to think he's jealous. I'm not sure why. I mean Alex is cute and he's really laid back and funny, but Zaviors hot. He also has my heart, so that has to count for something.

"Come on, focus. I know I'm hot, but come on." He says breaking me out of my thoughts. Zavior says something incoherent.

"Sorry, what?" I ask confused.

We're in the living room to our little hotel room. For such a dinky place, our room is nice. A king size bed, although I'm pretty sure I'm the only one sleeping in it. We have a small kitchen and a living room, and a bathroom (of course). Furniture looks okay, buy I'm still iffy about it all.

Zavior and Alex is having their own little man war, but so far Alex seems fine. Funny, really. He knows how to push Zaviors buttons, which I think I hilarious.

"Come on. Do it again." Alex instructs.

I don't know why, but something's putting me on edge.

I nod my head in response.

Right, left, duck, block, repeat.

Right, left, duck-

A knock comes from the door interrupting my train of thought earning me a punch to the gut. Luckily it wasn't hard.

"Oof." I grunt, which gets Zavior attention.

"Watch it." Zavior orders.

The knocking comes again, which really gets me curious. Zavior grabs my arm before I can get it.

"Who is it?" He yells.

"Just open the damn door." The person from the other side says. Jackson.

Zavior opens the door. Anger clear on his face. I'm more curious, to be honest.

"Why are you here?" He interrogates.

Jackson looks at me and the sadness is written all over his face.

"They're all died." He looks down as he talks.

"What?!" I ask For some reason already knowing the answer. My eyes beginning to water.

"I'm sorry. I tried." He says. I can tell he's telling the truth by the hurt and sadness on his face.

I start to break down in tears and Zavior comes over and supports me while wrapping his arms around me.

"Who's all died?" Zavior questions.

"Sarah's family." Jackson sighs, making me crying even more.

"You did this, didn't you. You and that awful father of ours!" Zavior yells, with each word his voice escalades.

"He's dead alright! I found out the truth. You happy, now." Jackson says, he's voice ending just above a whisper.

"How?" Zavior says in shock. Even though he hates his father, I guess he didn't want him dead.

"Messing with the wrong people." He says, on the edge of crying too.

"Then how?" I ask.

"How, what?" Jackson ask, confused.

"How did they die?" I ask while wiping my tears.

"Jeff got them. He's pretty pissed off. He usually doesn't kill of humans." He states.

I wipe the rest of my tears and turn to Alex.

"Again." I say, calmly.


I've been training for straight three hours. Jackson is still here. I'm not sure why, but I don't care. I'm so frustrated. I'm trying to take it out with training, but I'm getting really pissed.

"This won't be good enough." I say, anguished. Alex stops and stares at me.

"You're doing great." Zavior says, trying to brighten my mood.

"Not if I'm going to be fighting vampires. I need to be turned." I state, feeling like I might explode.

"Take a deep breath, you got this." Zavior states, still trying to encourage me. Its not working.

"Here, let me help." Alex says.

He looks me in the eye.

"Now what you need to do is look into my eyes."

"Hows that-" Zavior starts, but Alex interrupts him.

"Look into my eyes and see where they go. Then you'll see my next move." He states. "I'll start slow."

I nod my head, keeping my eyes on his.

Before I know it I see his eyes go to his left hand and I duck right when he swings. His eyes go to the right, which I duck again.

"Good now, try and hit me." He instructs.

I simply nod and watch his next move. He looks to the right, which makes me duck. Before he makes his next move, I punch him the gut, twice.

"Oof... Yep. Your good."  He says while walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask. I haven't got all my frustration out.

"Break." He states.

"Fine." I say roughly, while walking away.

"Are you, okay?" Zavior ask, standing right beside me now.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tried." I say while walking to the bed.

He stops walking with me. I still don't look at him.

"When ever you want to talk, I'm here." He says softly.

I pretend I don't hear him and get into the bed and stare at the wall.

I don't hear Zavior walk away, but I know he's not there any more.

I sigh to myself, knowing I'm going to be staring at this wall for awhile.

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