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Bloom saw some rocks between the lava and from the
place they were standing. But was a great distance between two ends of the rocks.

Bloom asked them to bring 4 bamboos together and form a group of seven bamboos so that they can cross the lava.

But there were not enough bamboos so they jointed two bamboos together. Bloom went down the rocks first and told them to give her pair of tied bamboos. She went further on the rock and placed the bamboo and then returned again and took the second one and in this way made a bridge out of it.

It was very difficult to walk on it as it was very narrow bridge and would surely break soon. Bloom helped the others to climb down on to the rocks. She headed first and was followed by the others.

"It would be better if you all avoid looking down," Bloom said.

Others didn't even bothered asking the reason. Snowy and Catty were already too afraid. They just nodded their heads giving a positive reply.

All of them hesitatingly began to cross. Their legs shake as they moved on one by one. Snowy and Catty lied down on the bamboo and started to crawl on it as they moved on ahead.

That was actually a safer way rather then trying to balance them self.

Bloom had successfully crossed the bridge first. It wasn't that she was was not afraid. She did had some fright in her but she was more of an adventurous girl who would love to die solving a mystery or in an adventure. Those dangers were fun for her.

She helped others by giving them a hand. All of them had crossed the bridge safely. Just Linnet was at the verge of finishing her crawl.

Linnet was just about to reach the other side. All were trying to cheer her up. She tried to be brave and started on. But she suddenly lost her balance and slipped from the bamboo.

It was a shock for everyone. Lina called out for Linnet with watery eyes. There was no sign of her anywhere.
It was shocking for Bloom and the others too. They had never lost someone before in any of their adventures.

"Was it my fault... The girl was my responsibility and I lost her..." Bloom said to herself.

She was about to blame everything on herself when she suddenly heard a voice. She stood up on her feet which had lost their balance seeing Linnet fell.

It was Linnet's voice. She looked around carefully.

"Where are you," Lina called out for her sister, "Are you alright,"

Soon they realized that Linnet was hanging over a rock present on the part where they stood.

It was really a great luck for her to survive but Bloom knew she won't be lasting for long.

Bloom was happy that Linnet was safe but in all that happiness a weird feeling surrounded her.

She remembered the way Linnet had fallen down. It was kinda weird. It wasn't she can say a bit normal.

"Did she fell down purposely," she thought.

But Bloom removed the suspicion from her mind as it was jut not possible. Why would someone try to kill herself.

Linnet had to be saved and Bloom decided to waste no further time thinking about her nonsense suspicion.
All the ropes they had were over. There was no sign of any rope lying beside. Bloom didn't had any choice left with her.

All wondered what probably they could do when they saw Bloom moving over the bridge.

"What are you doing," Daisy called out.

She didn't reply rather went on. She reached the first bamboo.

"Catch hold of the other end tightly," she shouted.

Others went to do as they were asked.
Bloom went to the first pair of bamboos and removed the rope that bounded it with the next pair.
The untied pairs went in the lava like a splash frightening the others.

Bloom gave a sigh of relieve to successfully receive the bamboo. She wiped some sweat from her face and moved towards the edge. She tied the rope at a corner and was instructed to catch hold of it.

Tying the other end to her belly she gave a jump down in the lava.

Others watched her trying to balance herself swinging on a rope just few distance upon that red hot fuming thing.

"Hold my hand," Bloom asked Linnet.

But she refused. It seemed she was too afraid.  After consoling her lot she slowly moved her one hand towards Bloom.

Bloom caught her successfully. But it was difficult to take on Linnet's weight.
Bloom was not able to catch the combined pressure. She was doing her best.

She asked Linnet to try to climb the rope. She nodded and tried to move up crossing Bloom but she was not able too or wasn't trying to.

"Again... even in a situation like this," Bloom cried.

She surely did over think. She got irritated upon herself.

"Hold me tightly," she said to Linnet and started to climb up.

Others too pulled the rope from above.
It took them lot of time. Bloom's hands were hurt and they had started to bleed. Her strength was over but she just went on and on slowly and steadily.

She lost her balance sometime but hold on to the rope as tight as she could to stop herself from slipping down. She tried her best hurting her hands further. They at last stopped moving down and had got steady.

Their climb began again.
She was successfully able to land on the top. The two sisters hugged each other. They had never thought to have been able to experience anything like this.

Bloom's hands were hurt but they didn't had a medical kit to help her out.

"It's fine. I'm alright," she tried to give a brave look and was given a hit on her head by Larry.

"You can't even take care of yourself," Larry said as she tore of her shirt's sleeves and tied it around Bloom's hands.

"You better don't try anything stupid," Larry warned.

"I won't," she said with a short smile.


THE MYSTERY OF THE MYSTERIOUS CASTLE#Wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang