Chapter 6: Alcohol and Pool Tables

Start from the beginning

This one was closer, but Blake knew he had it. Hitting his last ball into the hole, he raised his hands in victory, exclaiming, “Take that. I am the new champion!” His relative happiness lasted but a moment. While the other men around him slapped him on the back and congratulated him, he fazed out, remembering all the times he and Adam would go to the bar and challenge each other or others. Blake usually one, but when Adam did, he would do a victory dance around the pool tables and chant. The memory of the goofball caused a wry smile to slide onto his face, and his eyes tear up. Goddamn, do I miss him.

After everyone calmed down, Blake declined another game and sat back down at the bar, starting on his fourth beer. It was seven at night, and he didn’t feel the need to leave right away, so he didn’t worry about drinking and driving.

He smelled him before he saw him. The scent wafted into Blake’s nose as he was about to take a sip of his beer, already almost gone. Slowly he put it down, already forgotten, his stomach instantly twisting into knots.  It was undeniable; the scent of ocean breeze mixed with fresh laundry and old spice cologne. Like home.

It can’t be, thought Blake. It’s just not possible. Lowering his head some, he tilted it to the side a bit to see down the bench to his left. A few heavy guys sat laughing about something on the TV across from them, but no one else was there. Taking a shaky breath and slowly turning his head to his right, he stopped breathing as he came into his line of vision. Suddenly nauseous and feeling as though he was going to be sick, he quickly threw his money he owed for the beers on the bar, spun around, and left.

Outside, Blake managed to walk a few dozen feet before he collapsed onto a bench and put his elbows on his knees, his head buried within. He managed to calm his pounding heart to the point where he felt confident enough to stand up without falling over or puking. He stood up slowly, then opened his eyes.

To be met by spikey hair.

Blake’s stomach dropped, and he stood there, not knowing what to say, looking beyond the hair to a point a good distance away. He was saved from having to speak first, thankfully.

“You’re hard as hell to follow on the highway, you know that? Trying to keep you in sight without you seeing me was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. What’s out here, anyway? I’ve never even heard of this place before.”

Blake wanted to scream, not talk nonchalantly like nothing was wrong. Like nothing ever happened. Steeling himself, he looked down, into the very same eyes he drowned in a little over a week ago. They shocked him. They were glistening with unshed tears, full of apology and regret. Blake had never seen something so heart wrenching. Contrasting with the cool, normal voice he just heard, he could have sworn it was someone else entirely.

But it wasn’t.

It was Adam.

Unable to resist any longer, Blake swept little Adam up into a bear hug, holding him for what seemed like eternity. And Adam didn’t seem to mind; he held him just as tight. They released each other after a while and looked anywhere but at each other, unsure of what to say. Blake spoke up first this time.

“No one knows how to play pool very well around here. I guess I’m spoiled with a best friend who is almost as good as I am.” People were starting to notice who they were, and a few began to approach them. The two ducked out and found a secluded area where no one was walking around.

“No one knows how to play the guitar very well anywhere. I guess I’m spoiled with a best friend who is freaking talented as hell when it comes to country type stuff.”

The two looked at each other, and started laughing.

This is the way it should be, thought Blake. “Doing anything interesting for the next few days?” he asked tentatively. He didn’t want to seem pushy.

“Besides kicking your ass at pool and destroying you at arm wrestling? Nope, my schedule is clear.”

Blake grinned challengingly. “Good, because if those are your goals, you might want to think about rescheduling any appointments for the next few days.”

“Challenge accepted,” his cheeky, dimpled grin causing Blake to smile broadly.

And just like that, their friendship was renewed.

Blake wondered if they were ever going to bring up the topic of what happened, but decided to let it lie low for the time being.

I’ve got him back, he thought happily. And right now, that’s all that matters.

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