Chapter 18

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'Ed, we definitely need a nanny to take care of Acker.' I said while he was typing on his laptop, I guess one of those articles he wrote about music.

'I don't think so.' He kept typing and I took the laptop away from him placing it on the bed. 'Hey, what are you doing?'

'I want all your attention.' I said after sitting next to him.

'I thought we had made a decision about this already.'

'Honey, I've got a promotion. I don't have the same time as always. We need someone to pick up Acker from school, someone to take care of him while we are working.'

'My parents can do that. They love Acker.'

'I know, but they also need a rest. They can't do this every day. Don't you feel bad for them? Because I really do. They need free time and peace, not a kid who wants to play 24/7. They have a life.'

'Then call Candice or some of your friends.'

'Don't you fucking get it? What's your problem with hiring a nanny?'

'First of all, I don't want an stranger to be at our home. Second, I don't even want an stranger to take care of our child. End of the discussion.' He kept calm and stood up from the sofa to get his laptop again.

'Not at all. We need a nanny and we're going to hire one.' I said while leaving the living room assuming the end of the discussion.

'Why don't you quit your job? If it's so difficult for you to take care of Acker...'

'Fuck off!' I closed the door and went to Acker's room to wake him up from the nap.

'Karlie.' I heard his voice calling me from downstairs. 'Come here, please.' I did as I was told and went downstairs again, putting my head out the door to see his eyes meeting mine. He patted his lap for me to sit there, He loved when I did that.

'What do you want?' I sat on his lap and he placed one of his arms around my waist, the other was playing with my hair.

'I'm sorry.' He gave a kiss on my jaw and continue talking ' I shouldn't have said that. I know how important this job is for you. We can try first with one of your friends and if it doesn't work out, we can hire a nanny.'

'I like the idea. I think Christie was looking for a job, I'll car her later and see...Thank you.' I gave him a kiss on his lips and when I was about to go, he kept me between his arms.

'I want another one.' I took him by his T-shirt and got closer to him filling his face and mainly his lips with my kisses.


We get out of the car and Ed takes Acker, who has fallen asleep during the journey from the park to here. I invite him to get inside the house. It's the first time he gets into since we broke up. He stares at the now empty wall of the living room. The one who had a big picture from our wedding. He puts Acker to bed, still asleep. He's like a sloth, he won't wake up even when I put his pyjama on.

'Thank you for taking us home and for this afternoon. I had fun.'

'You're welcome. Thanks to you.'

I cut the awkward moment by hugging him. I close my eyes and we stay like that for a few minutes.

'Take care on coming back home.'

'I will. I'll see you soon, I hope.'

'Of course.'

Right after he goes, I go to the garage, where I've got all our albums and the big frame with the picture of our wedding. We weren't looking at the camera. I remember that in the moment of the picture he said something funny, we both started laughing, the photographer captured that moment. The picture became our favourite one. I take a look to one of the albums we have. I'm glad we decided to develop the pictures.

And I remember that it's only 15 days before the wedding. We've been preparing something really cool for Candice's bachelorette's party. Matthew's is also in the same days so Acker will stay with his grandparents as the usual.

Since Candice is moving out, we wanted to do something unforgettable so we're travelling for 3 days to Tobermory, in Scotland. We will stay in a hut the seven of us and we are going to do an expedition to see dolphins –they are the favourite animals of Candice- and then we will travel to Glasgow to have an spa session and finally to party.


One week later

Candice's party has been more than amazing. I can't really explain it with words. We were lucky enough to see dolphins. She thought we were going to throw a party on the boat but when she saw the mammals, she tore up. It has been better than I expected, although we are all tired because of the trips on plane and ship, it has been worth it. Today is the turn of the boys. I'm a bit worried for Ed. On his bachelor party, he came home two days after that, completely wasted, I don't think I've ever seen him so drunk. He was nearly in a coma.

I am having dinner with Acker in the living room while watching Monsters Inc film, when my phone starts sending out purple blinking lights: I had a message. I don't pay attention to it and minutes later starts again. Another message. I finally open them to see they are from Ed.

Ed: I wss wonderng if

It's only 19.00 and he is already drunk.

Ed: You woukd be my date 4 the wdding. Friends.

I try to decipher what he means. So he wants me to be his date for the friends?

To be honest I'm glad he has asked me that because I knew somehow it was going to happen. We wouldn't go alone to the wedding. Matthew or Candice would have convinced us to talk to each other and go together. I call my friend to see how she's doing at home alone.

'When were you going to call me and tell me?'

'Tell you what?' I answer her back, completely confused, as they are the first words that come from Candice's mouth when she answers the phone.

'That you had a date with Ed.'

'We didn't have one! Besides, how do you know that??'

'Because Imogen and John saw you both.'

'Are you kidding me?'

'Noup. And I'm really disappointed with you my friend, for not telling me.'

'Well, I'm sorry. I just forgot about that.'

'Soo... it's official, you are back together? How's the feeling about having sex with your ex-husband?'

'Candice, will you just shut up?' I can't help it but laugh at it. 'We didn't have sex at all! We're just friends. In fact, I was calling you because he has asked me if I could be his date for the wedding. I assume you or Matthew were planning this.'

'Okay, yes. I recognise, we wanted to convince you guys. And it hasn't been that difficult I see. But it wasn't our idea. It was Imogen's.'

'That was an excellent joke.'

'No, really. It was her idea. Oh and now that you are friends.' She says this word like if she was making fun. 'Tell him that the wedding is in 13 days and he hasn't got the suit still. Matthew tried to convince him but it was impossible.'

'Yeah. I know. He doesn't like suits but I'll go with him. Don't worry about that. Everything is going to be perfect. I'm not going to let your brother-in-law to show up there in jeans.'

After finishing my little talk with Candice and Acker already sleeping, I answer back his message.

Karlie: I see you on Tuesday at the shopping centre. You need to get the suit for the wedding. It's not a question.


Thank you so much for reading!!! <3 Comment your thoughts and vote!



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