Chapter 13

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It's been a quite long week. Thanks God it's Friday and I don't have to work this weekend. I've accompanied Candice to pick her wedding dress up and take it to my place, so we make sure Matthew won't see it. Also in my free time I've helped her choosing the wedding decoration and some other arrangements since she thinks I'm experienced in that. At least it's going to be an intimate one.

'I still don't know which dress I'm going to wear to your know it's very complicated to me.'

Although it is still two months left, since I'm working I don't really have enough time to go over London and choose a dress. Plus I hate going shopping for a special purpose, because when that happens you don't find anything.

'You could be one of my bride-maids and that problem would be solved.'

'And sharing pictures and meeting the groomsmen to organise some arrangements, in which Ed is taking part as well? Not really my thing.'

''re going to share the table at the reception.'

'WHAT??' I look at her completely incredulous. No, no, no.

'What do you want?' she asks me as if it was completely normal – which to be honest it is, but I haven't even thought about the reception-. 'To sit alone when you know all the Sheeran family? Are you crazy?'

'I would rather prefer that, to be honest.'

'Don't be a child Karlie. I know it's hard for you but just try to ignore him that day.'

'I wish I could be happy. You know, as happy as I was before. It feels like this is not the real me. How can you stop thinking about the person who ruined your life? First he sends me letters, promising his love again but then I see him with another woman.'

'Shit happens. I know you aren't as happy as before but I know for sure that you are stronger than the 20 years old Karlie I met. You know you can do it. You've done the hardest part of all this.'

'Thank you.' With a smile on my face I open my arms to hug her. 'It's easier for me when you're around.'

'I'm glad you didn't follow your mother's steps. I'm proud of you.' She places a kiss on my check and with a bright smile says: 'Now let's going to get you a fucking stunning dress.'


Ed's POV 

'Hey mates.' Murray say after getting closer to us, almost running and lifting his beer to toast with all of us.

Once per month all the guys meet at the same bar, at the same time. We've been doing this for almost 5 years. It was like a pyjama party, but we just get drunk in a bar, catching up with our lives. I remember  Karlie used to hate our meetings because the first times I got home pretty wasted.

'Matthew, it was a surprise, but we are gonna dance 'Single Fellas' at your wedding as a present and as soon as we convince Ed, your brother will join us.'

'Where do I have to sign to see you dancing that, brother?'

'You will have to wear a black swimsuit for being the newest single fella over here'

'Thank you for reminding me that, I appreciate it a lot, Jason.' I say ironically, taking the pint to my lips.

'Speaking of your hottie ex-wife, I saw her with another lad at Coco Restaurant having dinner or whatsoever.'

'Was he blond?'

'Yep. Why?'

'I supposed, she likes to shag with lads that match her colour hair.' Such a bitch. My brother throws me a lethal look. 'Does she know about what's going on with you and Candice?' I ask my brother, trying to change the direction of the conversation.

'I don't think so. Candice is waiting to I still don't know what.' Man, Karlie is going to be probably heartbroken when she knows about that. 'By the way, boys, the bachelor party is going to be one month before the wedding and I don't want a stripper.'

I hear that Jason complains about it but my mind travels to another place of my thoughts. I don't really care about my brother's  shit bachelor party.

What the hell is she doing with that guy? That guy should be me, not him. I'm sure he's one of those who ends up being a dick with her, like me. I don't like him at all. I just can't imagine Karlie having sex with any other guy that isn't me.

Slightly drunk, I decide to drive towards Karlie's place. I don't know if she's even working, probably yes, but I don't care, I will wait inside the car. I need to talk to her. I need to give her explanations of what happened. We need to have a proper talk. I need her. I miss my family, the family we were able to start, taking risks.

I park in front her house and wait till she arrives.


Hope you enjoy the chapter!! COMMENT what do you THINK and VOTE <3


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