Chapter 5 Face reality

Start from the beginning

«Um, I, um, fuck!» I said turning back so I looked at the ceiling.

«Now, Mr. Tomlinson doesn't know, since I wanted to wait until you gave me the clear, now if you want to I'll tell him so you don't have to.» He said smiling to me.

«No thank you, I'll deal with him.» I said, I don't know if I want to tell him, this just makes me even weaker. Like if I can't touch anything then I can't open a door and get out of here, ever, but if he doesn't know then he might, I don't know, if he doesn't know then I'm in power.

«Okay, then I will be on my way, I'll leave some painkillers here, take them for a week and the other stuff should be better. I'll come over in a couple of weeks checking on you. Oh and if you're going out in public, make sure to call me first so I can put something on your hands so they don't get infected.» He said standing up.

«Thank you, I would shake your hand, but you know life...» I said laughing a little.

«Good luck, and get some sleep.» He said walking away. I lied on my side and after a while I fell asleep.


«Kitten?» Someone shook me carefully awake. I opened my eyes and looked up at Louis.

«Ugh.» I said carefully lying on my back, doing my best not to touch anything with my hands, at the same time as I tried to not hurt my ribs. Louis unfortunately for me took my move as an invite to sit on the bed.

«What did the doctor say? Anything broken?» He asked trying to push my hair away from my face but I pulled away, not wanting him to touch me.

«No, just a sprained ankle, some bruised ribs and a hard blow to the head which is what kept me out so long, oh and some small cuts if you must know.» I said looking up at the ceiling.

«Yes I must know, I'll go and get you some food and water.» He said getting up from the bed, good he's leaving, at least for a little bitt. He left the room not locking but closing the door. I looked around the room, wondering where I am in the house. The room was nicer then the one I was in earlier, the bed was really big and soft. The wall was a soft cream color, there was three doors, the one leading out of the room, one that was halfway open and lead in to a walk in closet and the last one was closed but if I have to guess it's an on suit bathroom. There was a rose on the night stand next to me, two windows one on each side of the bed, and a huge painting of some sort on the wall right in front of the bed. This room seemed more lived in then every other room in the house. Louis stepped in to the room carrying a bottle of water and a plate with some food.

«Here you go.» He said putting down the food and water, I turned over on my side and carefully sat up a little, resting on my elbow. I looked at the food, it looked like some pasta dish, I don't know.

«It's Pasta Carbonara, it's my favorite, and I couldn't think of anything else.» He said again sitting down on the bed.

«Okay.» I said looking over it, how I'm I supposed to eat this with out my hands? And with out Louis knowing... And why does he keep acting as we're friends? We're not, he's insane.

«Well I'll be back to check on you later then.» He said looking sad, stop pretending we are freaking friends! He walked out and again he didn't lock the door. Not like I can get out of here anyway, can't even open the door. I sat up a little more so I was sitting against the headboard. I used my elbows to pull down the duvet, I was wearing  a grey hoodie with the american flag on and a pair of black sweats, the hoodie was really big on me so with a little struggle I got my hands out of the holes. I managed to get close to the nightstand, I starred at the fork lying next to the food for minutes, maybe the doctor were overreacting, maybe it will hurt the same if I touch it. I carefully moved my fingers a bit, which made it hurt so much more, I'll just try. I touched the fork carefully.

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