Chapter 33

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"Let me go, you fool!" I heard him shout.

"No!" I fired back. I was going to head back to the shifters, and I was going to figure out just what this project was. "You are going to give me the information. What exactly is this project?"

"I'll never tell!"

"Try and tell him that you're gonna drop him. Always works."

"It looks like my grasp is slipping, slipping, slipping." I said, loosening my grasp slightly as I flew higher.

"He'll break any second now. Wait for it... wait for it..."

"Fine, I'll speak, I'll speak!" he squeaked "Please don't kill me. I'll do anything."

"Told you."

"Exactly how long have you been doing all this sort of stuff?"

"Many, many years."

I dived down, gripping the squirrel shifter. Now, where were the shifters? It was a huge group of animals; it looked like a zoo breakout! Surely they couldn't hide that easily. Soon, I saw them, and I landed on a branch.

"I'm back with a hostage. Tyler, you know who it is."

He looked at me. "Oh, you've got him. Was he spying on you again?"

I shifted back, flying down. "Probably. But I think he knows something. Anyone have some sort of power to make a cage or something?"

A grey and white-furred rabbit hopped forward. She made a cage from vines, with the top open. "Place him in, I'll make the top."

I dropped him in the cage, and vines rose up, creating the top. She hopped back to the crowd.

"Now, tell me about this 'project'."

"Never! My master has given me instructions to remain silent on this information."

"Mr. Jones has told you to remain silent? Do you work for him? Or has he forced you to do this?"

He muttered something incomprehenseble.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing. My master has given me his order to remain silent."

"Tell me now, or I might just have to take you on another flight."

"You don't scare me, project." he said in a sneer.

"About this project." I replied, trying to seem in control "What does it have to do with me?"

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