Chapter 11

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I glanced at Trinity, relieved that the punishment wasn't large.

"Aubree, please come up." boomed Caspian. A brown haired woman looking to be around twenty-five strolled up.

"You will be in charge of mentoring Trinity. Please demonstrate your animal form."

She nodded, and I watched as she changed, grayish fur spreading across her body. I stepped backwards as I heard the sound of bones crunching and changing. I trembled for the seemingly millionth time. Ears grew pointed, and a wolfish face glanced at Trinity and I. I wanted to fly away, but I didn't.

Caspian began to speak again. "Aubree, please shift back."

Aubree nodded, and she changed back. I glanced at Trinity and whispered "Wishing you luck."

"Same to you." she replied.

"Aubree, please take Trinity to your cabin and begin training."

Trinity looked at me, and then followed Aubree. I sighed, trying to relax. I gazed out at the crowd, wondering which one would be my mentor.

Caspian began to speak once again, and I listened intently. "Casey, please come up here and demonstrate your animal form."

A blonde, short haired girl walked up. What I saw surprised me. She had the tail and ears of a... lion. I stepped back, almost falling off of the stand. I watched as she changed, fur rippling across her skin. Her bones rearranged, and I could hear it. I wanted to fly away so badly.

"Don't, Madelyn. Caspian assigned you a mentor to help you. This community, they're not salvage. They're just a group of shifters who want to live freely. And they want to help you and Trinity. Let them help you."

"I'm not making any promises, but I'll try. Keyword; try."

I shifted my gaze back onto Casey. At least, where she had been. In her place stood a lioness. She glanced at me, and I stepped back. I tripped, falling off.

"Meant to do that." I announced. Casey seemed to chuckle, and I looked at her.

"Now shift back, Casey. I believe you're startling Madelyn here."

Dang it! He saw my nervousness!

She shifted back, but the lion tail and ears remained.

"Trinity and Madelyn will be taught useful skills that will allow them to contribute to our community of shifters. This is to make up for their exposure of themselves. I believe that this will fade, as do most exposures. This meeting is over."

Casey turned to face me. "Sorry if I frightened you. I guess my animal form is quite frightening for those that don't know me. Were you afraid that I was going to attack you or something?

I nodded, looking at her.

"I can understand. Now, you can head to your cabin. Chances are, your friend will be there.Training won't start until tomorrow, as it's quite late. Get some good sleep; you're going to need it."

I nodded again, pushing off of the ground. I flapped my wings, feeling the cool night air move through them. I spotted the cabin and landed. Sure enough, Trinity was there.

"How was it?" I asked her.

"Good." I replied "I'm heading to bed."

"Same. Goodnight."

I leapt into bed, stretching my new muscles. I let out a yawn before drifting into beautiful, peaceful sleep.

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