Chapter 6

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"What do you mean?"

Then, everything came back to me. What Trinity had said about hunters attacking the supernatural, either killing them or using them as slaves.

"But you said that you'd know if there were hunters. You said that there weren't any traps!"

"We only assumed that there were no hunters because there were no traps." explained Trinity's mom "But now that we know, we need to be especially careful. And that means no leaving the house, you two. Your wings would stick out like a sore thumb."

I sighed, but then replied with "Alright."

"Now, let's get the wound bandaged, and then it's off to bed. We have a futon you can sleep on, Madelyn."

"I'm not going to be sleeping on an actual bed for a while, am I?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry. But I'll hold off on giving you schooling for a week, if that makes you feel any better."

"Thanks." I thanked "Say, can I go lay down now?"

"Like I said, I need to bandage the wound first. I'm gonna warn you; it's gonna sting."

I sighed, for what seemed the millionth time today, and braced myself for the pain. Fire seemed to burn in my wound as the wrap was placed over my injured wing. It stung worse than I had ever felt. I closed my eyes, gripping the couch's material. Soon, the pain dulled, and I relaxed.

"Come on Madelyn," began Trinity "Let's head to my room."

I nodded, pain rushing through my body as I stood up. I walked to the room, catching a glimpse of the night sky through a window.

"Man, it's late." I remarked.

"Yes, it is."

I glanced at the clock, which read 11:11. So many ones. Trinity lifted the futon down, and I sat on it. I glanced at my bandaged wing. Blood stained the material, and I could smell the unpleasant scent coming off of it. I zipped open my bag, removing my phone from it. Looks like I have some Writepad notifications.

There were three notifications. Two followers and a vote. Nothing too big.

"I'm heading to sleep." I commented "Goodnight."

"Night." I heard Trinity reply.

Though my mind was racing, I eventually calmed, and exhaustion took over. Before I knew it, it was day.

My eyes opened, and I took in my surroundings. Where am I?

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