Chapter 12:Swiming

Start from the beginning

She be my queen since we were 16

"We ain't lisening to this."Justin said putting on some  song by Drake.

"Trophies wooooooooooo."all the boys yelled.

Samantha and I laughed so hard at what they were saying.

"Move Nathan I'm putting on 5 Seconds of Summer."Samantha said.

My girlfriend bitchin cause I always sleep in.

She always screaming when she's calling her friends.

She's kinda hot though.

The guys laughed at Samantha and I singing.


After a long drive of singing and dancing.

We arrived at the beach?

"Swiming?"I asked "I thought you said Rock climbing Jake."I asked.

"Well I may have told him to tell you that we were rock climbing cause I wanted it to be a surprise."Samantha said.

"Thats nice that you wanted it to be a surprise but I don't have a bathing suit." I said.

"No worries I'll buy you one."Jake said pointing to The Beach Store called "Hot for The Summer" What a great name.


We walked inside then I saw some bathing suits.

"Here try on these."Jake said handing me like 10 bikinis.

"Ok you wait there I'm gonna go try on these."I said.

I walked into the dressing room tried on all 10 till I found one that I liked.

"Hey Jake I think I found one that I liked." I said still in the room.

"Cool leave it on and head out to the beach I'll give them the same one so I can pay for it."Jake said.

I walked out and Jake was there staring at me I walked passed him and headed to the beach.

"Alison?"a voice asked me.

I turned around to see a Jacob a friend of mine.

"Hey Jacob."I said.

"So.... are you here alone?".

"No she's here with me dude."I turned around to see Jake.


I saw that stupid guy talking to Alison.

It's not like she's my girlfriend but I care about her.


"Oh cool well nice seeing you Alison."that Jack ass kid said while turning around to go with his friends.


"What was that all about?" I asked

"That guy was staring at your ass."he said.

"Wait are you jealous."I asked him.

"Why would I be jealous of that ugly fool."he said looking angry.

"I don't know the fact that you called him an ugly fool and Said he was looking at my ass."I said.

"Im sorry."Jake said.Wait did Jake Haynes just apologize to me he never apologize.

"Im forgive you Jake now C'mon wouldn't wanna keep our friends waiting."I said with a grin.


"Im can't surf."I told Jake as he asked me if I could surf.

"Thats good then."he said with a grin."

"Why is that good."I asked.

"Then I'll have more to teach you."he said.

"Ok but promise you won't laugh if I fall."I said.

"No promises."he said with a grin.

"Here I'll help you up."he said helping me on the board.

"Hey this is fun,look at me woah."I fell into Jakes arms.

"Im not gonna let you fall Ally."he said.

"Im gonna go with Samantha for a while."I said cheerfuly.


"Hey girly what's up with your bae I saw how he reacted when Jacob just said hi to you."Samantha said with a smile.

Samantha loves romance.

Romance books.
Romance movies.
Romance in real life.

Heck the girl would even choose romance over anything.

"Samantha he's not my bae and also he apologized."I said.

"Come on Alison it's so clear Justin knows it.Nathan knows it.And I know it."she said.

"Whatever girly."I said."Why would he like me Sammy."I said.

"Just wait."she said with a grin


Hey girlies did u enjoy I go back to school tomorow :(

But I promise I will still update.

BTW the picture is Alison's Bathing suit.

Wanna know something this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote.

Also I've never ate Chipotle. Wow ik don't hate though

Love ya


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