"Yum." She says.

I can tell she is feeling a bit better. But her color is still off. She continues to look flushed. "Would you like Peach or Blueberry flavor?"

"Peets, peez."

I grab the peach yogurt, peel the top back and scoop a little into a bowl. Then I hand her a small spoon to use. "Here you go. Try to eat that. If you finish it and want more, let me know." She shakes her head, yes. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, peez."

So I go to my refrigerator and pull out some apple juice. As I am pouring it into a sippy cup, I feel a hand on my waist. I scream and almost drop it.

"I'm sorry." Hunter chuckles. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Well, you did. I think I aged 10 years!" I say while still trying to catch my breath.

Noticing that I am still flustered, Hunter takes the sippy cup from me and passes it to Harper. "How's my baby girl feeling?"

"Still hot, daddy."

He reaches over and feels her skin then he looks at me. "Did you take her temperature?"

"No, not yet. I was going to after she finished eating."


"I tried to be so quiet. How come you woke up?"

"My alarm went off." He says while rubbing Harper's back. "She's due for some more Tylenol maybe even some cough syrup, too."

"What time is it?" I ask while putting Harper's bowl in my sink.

"It's about 8 AM." He says as he picks Harper up. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you were sleeping and I knew you were exhausted."


I cut him off. "Also because Harper chose to wake me up to take her to the bathroom."

"Oh, but I could have at least gotten her something to eat."

"You could have, but I was already up and moving. It wasn't any bother."

"Why did you come to your apartment instead of use my kitchen?" He asks.

"I wasn't sure if "S A N T A" I spelled the letters out, had shown up. I didn't want to wreck the surprise."

He just smiles and shakes his head. "You are amazing. You think of everything."

I blush. "Well, did Mr. Clause and his 4 legged friends drop by last night?" I ask.

"They did! Shortly after my parent's arrived."

"How convenient." I giggle. "Well, we probably should check Harper's fever and YOU can give her some medicine if she needs it. Since you are the # 1 medicine giver."

He laughs. "Let's do it! I'm ready for the challenge." He says as he goes running down the hall, making Harps giggle.

I laugh and smile to myself. Goodness, I love him.


Hunter's POV

We take Harper back to my bedroom and check her fever. It's 100.5. Not as bad as it was last night but still not normal. Since her cough is back also, Liddy and I decide she needs both Tylenol and the cough suppressant. Thankfully, Harper didn't give me too much trouble while taking either of her medicines or when I laid her back down to sleep.

"I can't believe she was so good for you." Liddy exclaims.

"Hey, when you're good, you're good. What can I say?"

"I can think of a few things to say, but I will reframe since there are little ears in the room." She smirks.

"Oh, come on. You can tell me. Just whisper it in my ear." I say as I walk closer to her.

"Nope." She giggles.

"I have ways of making people talk." I say with my best French accent. Then before she can anticipate my next move. I push her onto the bed and start tickling her. She immediately starts to laugh.

"Stop Hunter!" She gasps. "I don't want to wake up Harper."

"Then don't." I whisper into her ear as I continue to tease her with my touch.

"Not.... Fair!" She mumbles trying to stifle her laughter.

When my phone starts to ring, I reluctantly stop. Her face has a pinkish tone and her eyes are full of mirth. I want to kiss that sexy smug smile of hers so badly, but instead I reach over, grab my phone and walk out of the room, so as to not disturb Harper.

A few minutes later I return to find Liddy folding up the blankets that we used last night. "You didn't need to do that. I would have gotten to it later."

"I don't mind." She says as she finishes folding the last blanket and places it on a chair with the other one. "So, ah was that Renee?"

"No, it was my mom. She called to wish us a Merry Christmas and see how Harps was doing."

"Will they be coming over later?"

"Probably some time this afternoon. It really depends on how Harper is feeling." I run my hand through my hair and sit on the edge of the bed. "We can't really make plans until Renee calls. The original schedule was for me to have Harper last night and this morning so we could go to church with my folks and then watch her open her gifts. Then she was suppose to go to Renee's for tonight and stay until late tomorrow afternoon."

"She has to go to Renee's! Oh, of course she would. It's Christmas."

"I know exactly what you're thinking and I feel the exact same way. I can barely handle it when Harper goes to her mother's when she is healthy. I certainly don't want her going there when she's sick!" Again I run my hand through my oily hair. Darn, I need a shower.

"Maybe she will let us, I mean you, keep her until Harps' fever breaks."

"That's what I am hoping. Otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do. I know Renee won't set her alarm to remind herself to get up in the middle of the night to give Harper medicine and she probably won't take her temperature regularly. Renee won't do half of what should be done." I say anxiously.

"Hunter, try not to worry. Everything will be fine." She says before walking over to give me a hug.

As soon as her arms circle my waist, I feel all my nervousness disappear. I return her hug. Holding on for as long as possible. Enjoying not only the warmth of her body and how it fits perfectly with mine, but also the faint smell of her perfume.

When she steps back I let her go be grudgingly. "Do you mind if I run over to my apartment and take a quick shower? If your family is going to show up I would like to look presentable."

"Liddy." I smile. "You can do what ever you want. It's Christmas. I don't expect you to stay here with me the whole time Harper is ill. It could be a few more days. You should go spend some time with your sister, if you want."

"Oh okay." She says with that same disappointed look she had last night.

I curse under my breath. Why do I keep hurting her feelings? I ask myself. When I look up to talk to her, she is already gone. I run to the hallway and all I can hear is the sound of her locking the door that leads to her apartment. "Well, that didn't go very well." I say out loud. Time to take a quick shower myself and then apologize.


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