Chapter 5

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                                 "You already have a girlfriend back at home."

                                   I stood there in shock. At one point, Julia tried waving a hand in front of my face, but I still stood there, shocked. Finally, I shook my head.

                                  "Not possible. This is my home, I've been here my whole life, Bianca is my first girlfriend, I've never dated anyone else." Jason shook his head.

                                    "I just don't know. I guess we'll just have to figure this out as we go along."

                                   "Yeah," I muttered. "yeah, we'll do that."

------------------------------------------------This line break is dedicated to Kaleidescopecolours-------------------

                                I was tapping my fingers nervously on the table in the conference room. Bianca was at my right and Julia (who I had invited onto my team), was on my left. The whole team was sitting around the table, when Thanatos finally arrived (fashionably late).

                              "Percy, a word." He pulled me aside. " Percy, I m sending you and your team to earth, because the heir to chaos must have a bride before his coronation on his twentieth birthday. I am hoping that on earth you will find a bride. "My cheeks burned. Thanatos smirked.

                               "You leave in the morning."


I know, short.     

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