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Hey guys.....its been a while did ya miss me. It's actually only been a few hours.... But I'm running out of ideas any ideas suggestions them down below.
I feel before i continue working on an update for this, that i should address a few things. I recently just graduated. (2 months ago haha), and have been pretty busy. Though i should let everyone know that i do read the reviews that still come in for this story. Also I'm starting school soon :( grade 8. I'm 12 but I'm almost 13 so I made an account cause I'm 13 next week. Also me and my cowriter Boni got into this fight :( I'll be sure to update down below when we made up. So keep looking down below. If I don't get her back I'll keep writing and maybe turn to my other friend for help.
I know this hasn't been the first thing on my mind in a long while, but i have not forgotten about it. It kind of amazes me how someone (or several people) would go out of their way to anonymously hate on this. I mean obviously you can do what you want, have your own opinions i strongly encourage that.
I KNOW that not everyone is going to like this story. I actually had no intention of continuing the story, but it actually caught on and for the most part people enjoyed it.
I feel that if you really want to hate on me for whatever your reasons may be, don't do it on a rated K story, send them to my sing karaoke account (Queen_Elsa98) this way i can deal with the matter personally, and not have someone unsuspecting look at that.

Thats really all i want from you, and by you i do mean the people that don't like me, and my family

Anyways thats all i really wanted to say, and sorry for  having to wait a really long time im sorry. I swear i will start writing once again. Updates may be slower because I'm starting school soon. I will try to update later today. If not today then probably by Monday or Tuesday! Eastern standard times. If you don't know what that means it's like New York and Toronto times. So ya.
Me and Boni made up she said my apology and I quote "The forgiving thing sounded so much like a textbook 😂" so thanks for that
Stay awesome possums! (Stole Rachel Ballinger's cahchfrase catch-fr-a-z)

Elsa Anna childhoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt