Arguments trolls and tears

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Anna's POV😂
I got up from bed to see what all the noise was. It was coming from Elsa's room! I put my ear on the door. I know what you think I mean but I mean like I grabbed my ear, detached it from my skin, and put it on the door It hurt a lot but I'm 6 I might grow a new ear. By the way, I'm not that smart either. Just kidding. I placed my ear on the door and listened. " I hate you!"
"Elsa listen to me dear it's nothing there to fear you are--" Mama sung before being got cut off.
"SHUT UP!" I was desperate to find out about what this is. Fear? Why is she scared? What happened while I was knocked out? I had that same dream I had an year ago while I was knocked out.... The dream of being kissed by a troll... That's when I thought, maybe it meant something. That's it! I had to go in the room! I opened the door and it creaked a little. Everyone in the room heard it. Before I could see anything, a servant took me out of there. "Sorry the king and queen need privacy," Gerda said.
Adgar's point of view
Idun and I were just dealing with stuff like trade partners when we heard a loud sneeze. We came to Elsa's room and found out she had a cold. Gladly, Anna was still asleep. We knew only one creature who could heal her. We had to give her another drink with a pill. She was knocked out now so we put her on a horse and went back to the trolls. "FOR PUNZIE'S SAKE WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR NOW?!" Pabbie yelled. "Who the heck is Punzie?" I asked. "Oh right I forgot that was a secret sorry Idun..." Pabbie said. We come hear way to often. I thought silently to myself. "WHAT'S THE SECRET?!" I yelled. Idun said, "Shh calm down no secret hehehe Punzie's no one hahaha..." She sung, "Let it go, let it go!" I sighed. "We came here cause of a cold. It doesn't seem like the common one so I thought we'd come to you for help." "GOODNESS HOW COULD YOU MAKE A CHILD WITH ICE POWERS GET A COLD?! GO TO BELLE'S LIBRARY AND CRACK A BOOK ON PARENTING!!!" Pabbie yelled. "Who the HELL is Belle?" I asked. "N-no one..." Pabbie said. 🔥Even though Elsa was asleep, she sneezed once more and more snowgies appeared. "SEE THAT'S NOT COMMON IS IT?" I yelled. "Okay fine whatever jeez... You b-" I stopped him before he could finish cause this story is PG rated... (I can still say hell crap and shit because there not that bad) The elderly troll sighed. "I hate my job," he said and waved his hands over my eldest daughter. "There we go she's healed..." Pabbie said, "but I may have woken her so GET OUT!" Elsa woke up just as the troll said. "Where am I?" She asked. "YOU'RE WITH THE TROLLS YOU DUMB LITTLE JERK ITS BEEN AN YEAR SINCE YOU'VE SEEN US!" Pabbie yelled. I flared in anger. Why was this troll so angry?! Elsa started crying loudly. I yelled, "HOW COULD YOU CALL MY DAUGHTER A JERK! YOU'RE THE B-" Pabbie stopped him from finishing, "and I thought you're the one who said this is PG rated..." Pabbie said. "Who are you talking too? PG rating? We're not in a movie!" Elsa yelled "Yeah!" Idun agreed. "Isn't it obvious? HE HAS A PEN AND PAPER IN HIS HAND RIGHT NOW WRITING DOWN EVERYTHING!" Pabbie yelled. I rolled my eyes. "THAT'S IT WE'RE LEAVING," I yelled back. Helping my wife and daughter up on the horse we left.
                                                                         At home...
"We're bad parents so we should break up," Idun tried to say calmly. I yelled, "Oh sure you agree with the trolls huh!" Idun yelled, "Well if you think about it they are right!" Oh that's how this turned into a fight! I yelled, "Okay fine if you wanna break up lets break up!" Idun angrily agreed, "Fine! I think I should have  Elsa cuz I'm the better parent!" I yelled back, "No I should!" I'm the better parent right? I'M NOT?! DO YA WANNA FIGHT!
Cliff hanger. So I'm trying to update everyday! BoniDisneyTris is helping me. She helped a lot with this chapter. So Idun and Adgar are gonna split up for a month Adgar will get Elsa but a month later they get back together so the sisters aren't separated for good. Till next time... Yay! 776 words!

Elsa Anna childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now