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"Sonnie?" "Elsa I don't approve of this! I hate the trolls!" "Hi... Umm ahem what are you here for?" Sonnie asked. "You." "Me? What do you mean :3" He cluelessly asked he was so cute. "I came to hang out. I mean if I don't freeze you without my gloves." I said awkwardly. "It's actually okay if you accidentally freeze me. There's been another princess before who came here and froze me but I broke through the ice cause I'm a rock." O.O... "Another princess?" I asked. "Oh umm yeah the power of ice is rare but that doesn't mean there's only one princess with it. And it strangely only comes from royal blood." "HEY WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOIN HERE?!" Pabbie yelled. "Elsa wanted to see Sonnie." Papa explained. "WHY ITS NOT LIKE MY SONNIE HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOU!" "Umm actually Pabbie..." "SILENCE SONNIE!" "GRAB HIM!" Papa yelled we grabbed Sonnie and rode away on the horse. "AHHHH HELP ME PABBIE!" "YOU ARE NO SON TO ME AND I WILL NOT HELP YOU!" Pabbie coldly said. "Shut up!" His sister troll yelled "DAUGHTY PLEASE HELP!" "Never liked you." She said. Sonnie cried. He thought good was good and evil was bad but all of his family was evil. "Papa why did we kidnap Sonnie?" "Yeah please tell me!" He cried. "..." Silence. Sonnie broke the silence. "WHAT DID I DO?" ""Your mom. You mom is the problem." Papa said. "M-my mom? I thought my dad was..." "He is too." Silence no one talked till we got home. "Sonnie your gonna die." Sonnie swore Papa said that but no one did he was just hearing things. "Uh papa..." Sonnie said. "SHUT UP SONNIE IM NOT YOUR PAPA!" "IM ELSAS PAPA!" "then uh ad...." Sonnie said. "WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Papa yelled at Sonnie. "But... But... But...." Sonnie cried cuz he still didn't know what HE did. Sonnie was weak I felt terrible I loved my BFF. "Your dad murdered me!" "But w-what did I do? Why didn't you kidnap my dad?" "Eh." He kept crying. "Ya big cry baby!" Papa cruelly said. Sonnie tried to wipe away his tears. "NO IM NOT!" Sonnie jumped off the horse. He was made of stone so he was okay. I grabbed Sonnie. "It's ok Sonnie" "It's not!" Sonnie started crying again. He was a cry baby. "Idun let's take this baby troll back home." We rode back to the trolls. Papa forced me to freeze Sonnie we dropped him and tried to leaved. Before we could even jump back on the horse Pabbie started yelling at us. Grumpy troll. "TAKE MY SON BACK I DONT WANT IT!" He called his son an it. Mama helped me up on the horse. We only took one usually we take two. "WELL I'M TAKING HIM TO THE PET STORE SO MAKE YOUR DECISION QUICK!" "The pet store?" My tiny voice asked. "YEAH THE PET STORE FOR ANYONE TO ADOPT FOR ONE CENT AND FREE SHIPPING!" "Mr.Troll? Please don't! Uh I will take him!" I said jumping off the horse. "WHAT?!" Mama and papa said together. "Y-you will?""Y-yes?" "Okay just take him 'n' leave cuz he can really be a pain in the butt sometimes!" "You seem like an abusive dad!"I yelled. "Nope I'm an evil dad >:3 I only care for evil!" "Excuse me?" O.O "Like my daughty she's evil >:3" "Daughty? Did you name anyone of your kids a normal name!?" I asked. "I only have a sonnie and a daughty. Each troll can only have up to two kids and if they do they are of opposite genders." I heard him say something about adoption. "What who's adopted? A-Are we adopting someone?" Bulda said.
Hey guys so this didn't take as long as yesterday BBoniisneyTris helped me out.

Elsa Anna childhoodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя