Umm.. Part 1

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Sorry BBoniisneyTris takes it over bored with the swearing. We censor most of it out though. Btw we the trolls are in this story a lot because it creates drama. It would be a little boring writing about Elsa and Anna doing nothing. More family drama will happen too. Btw there might be a chapter of Elsa discovering her powers. BTW do you want more chapters of what happened before the accident?
Adgar's POV.
"S-Sonnie do you wanna have a sleepover?" I found my self asking.
"Oh umm sure I would love to prince-"
Sonnie said before pabbie interrupted.
"Well you aren't but I am!"
"But you were so good in the Disney frozen movie!" I yelled. (Started writing neat then I stopped cause you guy want fast chapter not neat chapters) "Ugh I hate that movie they presented me all wrong! I hate Jennifer Lee!" "WHATS A MOIVE?!! AND WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Elsa and Idun yelled in unison."FROZEN YOU GODDAM IDIOT!" "WHATS FROZEN AND WHATS A MOVIE!" Idun yelled. "Oh right movies aren't invented in this fanfiction sorry Idun." "Sorry for the confusion..." Pabbie apologized. "Back to character... YOU ARE THE WORST EVER SONNIE!" "Whatever." I said I grabbed Pabbie and rode away with him and Elsa and Idun. "Oops meant to grab your son!" I threw him off and grabbed Sonnie. Elsa took Sonnie to her ice room.
"Wow this is kewl! :3" Sonnie exclaimed making a kawaii face. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! The knocks echoed through my silent ice room. "ELSA I HEARD SOMEONES VOICE AND IT WASNT MAMA'S OR PAPA'S! IS THERE A MONSTER IN YOUR ROOM." Sonnie opened his mouth say something but I silenced him and whispered everything to him. He nodded. Anna kept knocking and screaming. "ANNA! GET AWAY FROM YOUR SISTERS DOOR!" Papa yelled. "PAPA I HEARD SOMEONES VOICE IN ELSA'S ROOM AND IT WANST YOURS OR MAMA'S!" "It was your imagination NOW STOP BUGGING YOUR SISTER!" Papa yelled. Sonnie's face face was full of shock and hurt. "Gawsh why are your parents so mean to everyone?" Sonnie started crying. "Oh my...I've never heard papa that angry with Anna for knocking on my door. IM ONLY 9 AND I HAVE UNCONTROLLABLE ICE POWERS!" I yelled that last part for no reason. "CONCEAL IT DONT FEEL DONT LET IT SHOW! Conceal don't feel. CONCEAL DONT FEEL!" I scolded myself. The temperature dropped quickly. I noticed but the cold never bothered me anyway. It started snowing lightly in my room. Within 5 seconds I panicked more and more! That light flurry became a blizzard. The floors and walls iced over even more. Sonnie was confused and mad at my parents. Sonnie cried louder and louder until he remembered about Anna. "Sonnie you gotta be quiet!" I yelled at my troll friend. Papa walked in. He grabbed Sonnie thawed my window opened my window and threw him out the window. "*gasp* papa...."
It was gonna be longer but BBoniisneyTris has to quit on me for family reasons and I ran out of ideas. So IMMA split this up in two parts.

Elsa Anna childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now