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I uploaded it when it was half finished now I left you a Clift hanger.
Adgar's POV
I pulled up to the trolls. Grand Pabbie just started yelling at me. "F*** YOU GO AWAY B****ES!" First time I was hear without my wife or kids. "You called me hear!" "Daughty, deal with them..." "Them? IM THE ONLY ONE HEAR!" Daughty came in and snapped her fingers. I was trapped. "B***H YOU CALLED ME HEAR!" "YOU'RE GONNA DIE TODAY YOU JACKA**!" "WE HAVE A REAL ACTUAL PROBLEM HEAR!" Sonnie came out. "H-hi Ad..." "SAAAAAVE MEEEE SO--!"' Before I could finish my voice was gone. "Hold on I'm coming!" I pointed to my throat. "Don't take the spell too personally please! Evil trolls made it..." I nodded cause I couldn't speak. Sonnie waved his hands and said, "I'LL F***ING LET YOU GO YOU F***ING A**HOLE!" My eyes widen at those words. "Testing testing 1124 yay I got my voice back! And I'm not trapped." I giggled like a child. "HURRY GET OUT BEFORE YOU GET TRAPPED AGAIN!" We ran out of here. Sonnie pushed me and a second later, he was trapped. I can't believe he took the punishment for me. "HURRY!" I Jumped on the horse and rode home. "I can't believe it." I thought aloud. Idun was waiting for me. "Hey,..Idun! Are the kids asleep." "Ya they're tucked in bed." she replied eyeing my carefully. "Um Idun?" I said I told her everything. She replied, "Shouldn't we go save sonnie? He could be in great danger!" Idun said clearly in shock and fear. "Nah. You know how I feel about the trolls." I replied. "But Winnie's different!" She shouted. "Idun who's Winnie?" Did she mean Sonnie was it a typo by the authors friend who helped? BoniDisneyTris ? "I meant Sonnie my brains not functioning correctly today..." "Uh his dad will trap me again!" I replied quickly. "YOURE TOO SHELLFISH ADGAR!" Idun pouted like a baby. "Holy fu-- cow. You go then. Why did I marry a b*tch like you?" I yelled angrily. "O-oh my gosh Idun I didn't..." I tried to fix my situation I just called my wife a b*tch. "I'm a smart a**. You're a stupid a**hole!" "Idun! This is a PG STORY!" "Wait what?" She replied. "Nothing..." I replied back. "Okay then... Hello viewers. I apologize for the swearing if you are under the age of 19. BUT F*** WHOEVER IS! I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR F***ING A**! WHY IS YOUR A** ON YOUR HEAD ITS NOT A HAT!" Idun yelled at no one. (I'm so sorry BBoniisneyTris went over bored) "Who are you yelling at Idun?!" "THE VIEWERS YOU SAID SOMETHING ABOUT A F***ING STORY REMEMBER! I THINK YOU HAVE YOUR HEAD IN YOUR A** TOO!" "If we SAVE Sonnie will you stop cursing?" I asked. "Fine." She said under her breath. "Ugh. Let's go." I yelled helping her on the horse. "Why did I marry this f***ing a**hole to get weird kids?" Idun whispered to herself. "WHAT WAS THAT?! YA KNOW WHAT GO BY YOU SELF B*tch!" I yelled getting off the horse. Idun stopped me. "Ugh just come on the horse!" "F*ck the horse!! Let's walk!" "F*** YOU!" She yelled. "Oh my gosh! Your the one who said we have wired kids! Elsa isn't wired she was born with ice powers. ANNA! Ok she's a little wired she talks to pictures on the walls. Our kids aren't wired. Your a bad queen and mother. IDUN STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD AND TALK TO ME!" I yelled. "Let's just go to the trolls..." "If that's what will make you happy. I think we should split up...again." Idun started to cry slightly. She went on the horse by herself and gave me a hand while looking away. The troll yelled at us. There was fire everywhere and the adopted trolls (everyone but Daughty and Sonnie) was shooting magic everywhere. Sonnie was still locked up and Daughty was doing something. "HEY WHAT R U TWO DOING HERE?!" "We came to save your son.." I replied. "IT WAS IDUN'S IDEA PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I HAVE 2 LITTLE ONES!" I said dropping to my knees and putting my hands up. Idun rolled her eyes at me. He always sent chills up my back he was that scary. "HEY DONT BLAME IT ON ME," Idun yelled. "It's your fault!" "ITS YOURS! YOURE THE ONE WHO CAME HERE AND GOT TRAPPED AND ALWAYS TREATED OUR DAUGHTERS LIKE S**T!" "Hey no swearing we had a deal!" "COME ON THE AUDIENCE IS PROBABLY OKAY WITH IT SO SHUT UP!" I ran over and let Sonnie out of the cage! "We need Elsa!" "Ugh stay here I'll bring her." Funny thing is the trolls didn't try to attack me While Idun was gone. "Why am I hear papa I was sleeping!" Elsa yelled. "Freeze them!" I yelled Elsa obeyed. Grand Pabbie Daughty and Sonnie didn't get frozen. Pabbie and Daughty tried to attack us.
"S-Sonnie? Would u like to have a sleepover with us?"

Part 2 coming soon? 882 words! BBoniisneyTris helped. Shout out to squidles_192 who started reading. Till next time....
-Rylie ❤️❤️

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