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Chills crept up my heels and played with my bare toes, I knew that I couldn't hold off any longer, because if I did then I'd be left with one leg instead of the required number that I needed-two. My teeth chattered at my hesitation, and my hands quaked and yearned for the warmth to bask itself back into my skin instead of the hypothermia that's eating away at me, tonight. Deep down I acknowledged the fact that it wasn't my stubbornness that held me at bay, it feels as if an invisible force is keeping me back and no matter how hard I push, or would even try to shove I'll be back at square one. Nowhere. The same place.

I...just..can't. I didn't bother on reaching out to the silver doorknob that's turning a crisp icy blue due to the snows doing. It's not worth it, but then again, isn't it? As if the freshly white painted house knew that I was thinking about it, it slowly started to decenegrate into tiny little ashes; I willed my eyes to shut themselves closed but they decided to remain open and disobey me like always...And not that little far from here where I stood; I can catch a glimpse  of him getting into his black GTO and happily leaving this house with all of his things packed up inside of it. 

Instinctively my eyes started to flutter themselves closed in warning due to the warning that tears were going to leak out pretty soon. "What are you doing out here?!", I ignored the concern in his voice. Light tingles crawled up my skin at his soft touch when he picked me up, and cradled me against his feverish chest as if I was an infant needing consoling. But at this record I knew that I was far from it, very, very far. I could never tell him that I know.

Automatically my body relaxed at his gentle touch and how his arm draped itself over my waist, and before I could resist and pull myself away I was swept away by the contentment blanket of darkness.  

"Goodbye...Berry", he mumbled under his breath. I didn't dare to wake him, nor did I try to break a sweat in letting myself bawl like a baby. No instead I slowly got out of his bed and made my way to his back door; without a sight hint of reluctance I was out of his room. Out of


Any thoughts on this? :)

Unfinished Imagination (Will finish later..)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora