Chapter 9 - Shady Side

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Steven finished tightening a bolt on the engine of his team's rebuilt Nova and slammed the hood shut. The Tuesday mud circuit was the only bright spot in his week. He didn't have to work. He didn't have to deal with his family. And, he could drink as much beer as he wanted without having to worry about cops. Law enforcement in Georgia had an unwritten rule about giving Shady Side a pass.

He wiped black grease from his hands onto his jeans and walked back to sit next to Kurt Nicholson on their bench on the sidelines. Kurt handed him a beer. The two had gone to school together since kindergarten. They weren't exactly friends, but Kurt was the closest thing Steven had to one.

Steven propped his boots up on a cooler and lifted the cold can up to his lips. The engines roared to life at the starting line causing the ground all around them to rumble. The crowd began to whoop and holler. There was a loud crack from a pistol, and the motors screamed as the cars sped off around the track.

Kurt slapped him on the arm. "Let's move. I can't see turn three."

They got up and walked to the fence near the bleachers. The Nova quickly pushed to the front of the pack, and when they came around turn one again, mud slung up across the front of Steven's jeans. Steven laughed and took another deep swig of beer.

Off to the right of the track, Steven saw David Britton walking from the bathroom.

Steven pushed off the fence and turned around. "Hey, Dave!" he called out.

David looked up and walked over. "Hey, man. What's up?"

Steven leaned his elbows on the fence. "Your friend, the girl with the pink hair. What's her name?"

David blinked and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Journey Durant."

Kurt laughed. "That bitch you knocked out yesterday?"

Anger flashed on David's face.

Steven rolled his eyes toward his friend. "Shut up, Kurt." He looked back at Dave, who was still fuming. It was obvious he had a thing for the girl. "What's her story?"

"She's a junior," David said. "She's cool."

"She dating anybody?"

David shrugged. "I don't know."

Steven knew he was lying, but he kept it to himself. "OK. Thanks."

David walked back toward the bleachers to join the rest of the West Emerson football team, and Steven turned his eyes back to the race. His attention, however, was still stuck on the girl with the pink hair. She'd had his attention for two days.


So...who would you pick?

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