Chapter 25

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"Kit Kat, wait up!" I say as I see her in the hall way. She turns around with a smile as she hears me. I run up to her and wrap my arms around her, almost causing her to fall over, but I catch her and laugh. "Where are you going?" I ask.
"Well Hemmings, I was going down to the pool." She says. "Not to swim, I just like going down and putting my feet in the water. Harper won't go down there, something about chlorine burns."
I'm not quite sure how to process that, but I also can't help but laugh. "So, you need a little break from her?" I ask.
"No, not at all, I just thought her reasoning was funny." She explains. "Harper is great. I'm sure you'd like her if you gave her a chance."
"I'll pass." I say and start walking down the hall with her. "Want company in the pool room?" I offer.
"I'd love that." She says with a smile. "I'll even take the stairs with you." She tells me and laughs.
"How kind of you." I say as I hold the staircase door open for her.
"Aw, Hemmings, since when we're you such a gentlemen?" She asks and gets up on her tippie toes so she can kiss my cheek.
"What are you talking about? I've always been one." I say and laugh at her.
"Epically when we first met." She says. "You know, when you blew cigarette smoke in my face."
I shrug. "You don't become that much of a gentlemen overnight, it took practice." I inform her.
She just laughs as we make our way off of the stairs, the pool room. "Is this basement creepy to you?" She asks.
I shrug. "What do you mean? It's just a basement."
"I don't know, I've thought this since I first came down here. There's something about it that make's me uneasy." She explains.
"Don't worry!" I say and laugh. "If there is a big scary monster down here, I'll protect you!"
"I call bullshit!" She says and laughs. "We both know that if there were something that wanted us dead down here, you'd throw me in front of it and run like you've never ran before."
"I most likely would never!" I say as we make our way into the pool room. She takes her shoes off and sits on the edge of the pool, sticking her feet in. I to the same as I turn my head to look at her. "Take a picture, it'd last longer." She jokes.
"I would." I say. "But, I don't have my phone on me."
"Why would you want a picture of me right now? My hair is up in a messy ass bun, I barely have any makeup on and I'm wearing sweat pants."
"You say that all like it's a bad thing." I say and give her a smile.
"Yeah, I look like shit."
"You look beautiful, Kit Kat." I say and grab her face, planting a small peck on her lips. I see her cheeks go red.
"Can you believe tonight is our last night here?" She asks, changing the subject. She never really likes to talk about how beautiful she is. Even though I could talk about it for hours.
"It went by fast, didn't it?"
"Yeah, this has been the best trip ever." She says and smiles.
"You know what would make it even better?" I ask.
"What's that?"
"If you finally agreed to go on one more date with me tonight before we have to go home tomorrow." I tell her. "What do you say?"
"I'm sorry, Hemmings, I can't." She says as I feel my face drop. "I promised Harper that I would check out Central Park with her tonight before we have to go."
"Are you serious?" I ask. "That is where I tried to take you the other day. You can't go with me, because of her and her stupid sand castles, but you can go there with her no problem?" I ask, getting a little pissed off at her logic.
"Don't get mad, babe." She says. "I promise we will go on a date when we get home, and it will be amazing, okay?"
"No, not okay, Kit Kat." I say and sigh. "This trip was supposed to be good for us. So we can get a taste of the real world together. But instead you spent the whole trip with your friend." I say. "Do you not care that we have barely seen each other all week?" I ask.
"It's not that I don't care, it's that she always asks me first. I'm not going to ditch her for you, that wouldn't be fair." She says. "I promise we'll have a date when we get home."
"Yeah, whatever." I say and stand up. I start walking towards the door.
"Don't leave just because you're mad at the fact that you didn't get to me first." She tells me.
"I'm leaving because I don't want to make an ass of myself. I'm leaving so I don't say something I don't mean." I say and continue walking.
"I love you." She says as I get to the door.
"You too." I say before grabbing my shoes and walking out and to the staircase. This time I didn't notice how terrible all of the stairs are because all I could think about was how terrible I feel. When I finally do make my way upstairs, I come face to face with Harper. She looks so smug. She opens her mouth to talk, but I cut her off. "Just fuck off, Harper." I say before walking past her and straight into mine and Michael's room, after unlocking the door, I slam it behind me.
"Calm down, bro." Michael says as he starts picking his dirty clothes up off the floor and putting them into his suitcase, all crumpled up. "I have stuff that I need to pack that I really don't want the hotel manager to know I took until we're gone."
"What did you do? Steal all of the mini soaps and shampoos?" I ask.
"No." He says. "Well, yeah. But, I left some for you too. I took more than just that. I promised my parents souvaneeres but haven't left the hotel, so I improvised." He explains to me. "I got my dad one of the bath robes and my mom the bathroom curtains."
I just nod. "That's cool."
"What crawled up your ass and died?" He asks.
"My girlfriend." I say and sit down on my bed. "She would rather go on the date I wanted to go on with her with Harper." I explain.
"So your girlfriend is spending time with her girlfriend?" He asks.
"Pretty much." I say. "I just don't understand her logic." I explain. "We we're supposed to have a good time together on this trip. But, she spent the whole thing with her friend instead. She didn't even try to squeeze me in. She could have cancelled with Harper one of the nights."
"And have Harper complain and cry the whole time?" Michael asks.
"Are you really sticking up for her right now?" I ask.
"No." He says and laughs. "I just wanted to make fun of Harper. What are you going to do about it?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say with a sigh. "What can I do? I don't own her. She's aloud to hang out with other people."
"Yeah, but one of the people that she hangs out with should be her boyfriend that she loves so much, don't you think?"
"She promised me a date when we get back home, but it's not the same." I say. "There's nothing special about home, we're there every day, you know?"
"Yeah." He says and looks down at his phone as it makes a noise. "Want to go down to Calum and Ashton's room?" He asks. "They're having a last night here party. They ordered a pizza and they have GTA. From what I hear you have nothing better to do tonight." He says.
"Maybe later." I say. "I still have to pack and shit. I'll see about going down later."
"So, in other words, no and leave you alone or you'll break my neck?" He asks.
I smile. "Well, you said it not me." I say.
"See you later, Luke." He says and runs out the door.
I sigh as I look up at the ceiling. Is this really how I'm spending my last night here? Bummed because my girlfriend doesn't appear to give two shits about spending time together I guess that I might as well start packing so I can sleep in as much as possible tomorrow morning. I sigh and get up off the bed and change into sweat pants so I will only have to cover my hair in the morning, and make my way to the bathroom. I grab all the mini shampoo bottles Michael left behind for me and put them in my suitcase that is laid open on the floor. I pick my suitcase up and put it on my bed and then I go back to the bathroom. I look under the sink to see if there is anything I want to take home with me under there. To my surprise, there is a whole basket filled with the hotel soaps and stuff. I empty that out in my bag and go to the bathroom to see that Michael actually did steal the curtains. What an idiot. But, I can't help but laugh. I take the other bath robe and put that in my bag. That thing was comfortable, and I really wouldn't mind keeping it. I decide to put all of my clothes away before stealing anymore of the hotels stuff. I walk around the room that I have been living in and pick my clothes up off the floor and squishing all into my bag. I look at my bed as I get one last idea. I take the pillow cases off of all my pillows and stuff them in my bag. Hoping that it may one-up what Michael took.
Just as I finish packing, I hear my phone ringing from the bathroom. I run into the bathroom and pick up my phone, not even bothering to check who's calling. I just hope it's Kit. "Hello?" I answer with.
"Hey Luke." I hear a voice that is not Kit say. But, now that I think of it, I'd rather talk to this person than Kit right now. It's Karen.
"Hey, Karen!" I say. "What's up, is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine. I just missed you is all. I wanted to check up on you. I know you're leaving tomorrow morning, but I still won't get to see you until the next day because of your flight. I've been holding off calling you, because I know you and Kit are probably busy having the time of your life, but I couldn't wait any longer. How are you doing?"
"Kit and I aren't busy doing anything." I say. "The most I've seen of her is at lunch every day." I tell her. "She went on one date with me and spent the rest of the time with her room mate that has a crush on her."
"You didn't get any dates with her?" She asks.
"I got one." I say. "It was perfect. I did everything right, I even bought her a necklace. But, I guess it wasn't good enough to get her to agree to go out with me again."
"I'm sure it's nothing personal, Luke." She says.
"It feels pretty personal." I say and sigh. "It seems like she's not trying to make any time for us. I have been on her ass the whole time we've been here and I get nothing back. She just wants to have stupid girl time with her room mate."
"You know, I never was one for girl time." She says. "I wish Kit wasn't either for your sake. Are you okay, Kid?"
"I'll be fine. I'm just pissed about it." I tell her. "Don't worry about it."
"Are you doing anything tonight instead of going on a date with her?" She asks. "Or are you just alone in your hotel room?"
"You got it right on the nose." I say and smile. "But, I don't really mind. I was offered to go down to Ashton and Calum's room with Michael tonight, but I didn't want to accidentaly be a Debbie Downer, so I passed."
"I hope you feel better soon." She says.
"Yeah, me too." I say.
"I'll let you get back to whatever you we're doing. I'll see you at the airport, okay?"
"Alright. Thanks for calling me." I say.
"It's fine. I miss you, you know."
"I miss you guys too." I tell her. "I'll see you at around three in the morning in two days from now I think it works out to."
"See you then." She says before hanging up.
When I put my phone in my pocket, I decide that maybe I will go to Ash and Calum's party. Maybe it will take my mind off things. I head towards my door and walk out, but only to come face to face with Kit and Harper. "Where are you going, Hemmings?" Kit asks.
"Cal and Ash's room." I say.
"We we're just on our way to Central Park." Harper says. "Have you heard of it?"
"Yeah, that's where I tried to take Kit the other night, but she was too busy with you. Now she's going on the date that I planned out for us with you instead of going anywhere with me. So, thanks for that."
"Stop complaining so much." Harper says. "Kit's aloud to do what she wants."
"Why don't you butt out of this and understand that Kit is in a relationship and isn't interested in you?" I ask.
"Let's just go." Kit says and walks past me with her head down.
After they're gone, I decide that I am in fact too pissed off to go hang out with the boys so I just go back into my room and sit down on my bed. I dig through my bag and grab my bottle of sleeping pills and take one. I just need to sleep right now.

"Luke, wake up, it's time to go!" Michael says as he taps me on the shoulder. I sit up and rub my eyes. "We have to be at the air port in ten minutes."
"Shit." I say as I get up and throw a hat over my hair that is in every direction. I grab my suitcase and start walking towards the door.
"Dude, did you steal your pillow cases?" Michael asks with a half smile.
"Busted." I say and laugh a little.
"That is fucking awesome, man!" He says and laughs. "If I had the time I'd take mine too, but I have a curtain, so it's okay."
We walk out of the hotel room and I sigh as we get to the elevator. "Do I have the time to take the stairs?" I ask.
"Only if you run. I'll take your bag if you'd like." He says as the elevator door opens. "But we seriously have to be there as soon as possible."
"Fuck it." I say before walking into the elevator beside him. A few other people we're in there, but I don't care. I sat down, because even though it was my choice to go in, I'm still scared shitless and my legs would probably give out on me.
When we make our way down to the lobby, they checked us off of the list and we went out and got a cab. We didn't bother putting our stuff in the trunk, we just brought it all with us, which made for a cramped ride, but we didn't really have the time to complain. We just went with it and before we knew it, we we're at the airport.
Calum and Ashton are lucky, they get to sleep in a couple more hours, since they're flight is the one after us. I really wish that I would have gotten their schedule, but we didn't get to choose, we we're just put into three groups.
"Do you still have some gum that I can bum off of you?" I ask Michael as we walk into the airport. "I forgot to buy a pack."
"I got you covered, don't worry about it." He says. "Do you still have the magical pills that take all the hours away from us?"
"In my pocket!" I tell him.
"Sweet!" He says as he hands me a piece of gum.
"Thanks." I say as I start chewing on it.
"Hemmings!" Kit says as she runs over to me. Harper trails behind her.
"Hi." I say then turn back around to Michael. "Do you think that we're aloud to drink on the plane? We're legal to drink in Australia but not in America."
"I don't see why not." Michael says. "I don't see why you would though, aren't you sleeping the whole time?"
"Yeah, I was just curious. I heard other people talking about it." I explain.
"Are you seriously so desperate not to talk to me that you're going to turn to him and ask the lest relevant question you can think of?" Kit asks.
"Sorry, it was so uncool of me to ignore you for my friend." I say.
"I didn't do that!" She says defencivly.
"Right, sorry. You totally didn't. You just spent the whole fucking vacation with your friend and didn't bother seeing me at all."
"I saw you every fucking day!" She says.
"Yeah, for twenty minutes at lunch time." I say.
"It's not my fault that you always left early." She says.
"No, you're right. It's not." I say. "It's your friends fault I left early, because every fucking time she opens her mouth to speak, the urge to jump off a bridge increases."
"Luke, you're just being childish. I'm sorry that you're butthurt that you didn't make plans with me first. I can only do so much."
"You say that like he's anything but childish." Harper says.
"Harper, shut the fuck up." I say, then I turn to Kit. "And it doesn't matter. Who care's right? You sure as hell don't seem to."
"I told you that we'd go on a date when we get home!" Kit says.
"And I said whatever." I say. "And can you please tell your sidekick over there to butt out?"
"Luke, be nice." Kit says.
"Are we done with this conversation?" I ask with a sigh.
"Yup. Just call me when you haul your head out of your ass." She says.
"And you call me when you haul your head out of her ass." I say.
"Whatever." She says before walking away, Harper rushing behind her.
I put my head down as she walks away. I hate being so mean to her, but I can't stand the way she keeps putting our relationship on the back burner. I ignore the lump in my throat as I feel tears burn in my eyes. I just keep my head down so nobody can see me until they go away. I don't want to be that idiot that is crying in the airport.
"You okay, man?" Michael asks.
"Am I really just being childish?" I ask in the most strong voice I could.
"I don't know." He says. "I don't think you are. I think you have every right to be pissed, but she sees it differently, clearly."
"Yeah." I say and take a deep breath. "But whatever right? In Kit's eyes there's nothing wrong with completely leaving me hanging like she did. So, what do I know."
"Women are always right, I guess." He says.
"But, I think she's wrong." I say as I accidently let a tear fall out. "This is fucking stupid anyways." I say as I wipe my face off quickly. "Who cares, right? As long as she's having the time of her life, who gives a fuck about everything we said that we'd do together."
"Are you crying?" He asks in a worried tone. "Don't do that. It's okay. You'll work it out. Maybe you're both in the wrong?" He says as he awkwardly wraps an arm around me.
"You don't have to do that." I say and laugh a little bit at his effort. "I'm just tired and pissed off. We're going to go on the plane soon and I'll go to sleep and wake up fine. You don't have to try to comfort me."
"Just shut the fuck up and accept it." He says. "I didn't get to be there for you when it really mattered, so let me be here when you're crying overtired tears over your girlfriend that is pissed cause you wanted to spend time with her, okay?"
"Okay." I say and laugh. "Carry on."
Not too long after that, it's time to go onto the flight. This time instead of a few rows away from us, Kit and Harper were in the seats across the isle from ours. Kit and I both have end seats, so we're basically beside each other. I'm just ready to pass the fuck out again. "Here." I say as I hand Michael two pills. Then I take two as well.
"Thank you!" He says before swallowing them. "See you when we land."
"See you then." I say before downing the pills and closing my eyes.

"We will be landing in ten minutes." I hear the flight attendant say, causing me to wake up. I look over at Michael to see that his head is on my shoulder. "Wake up, we're about to land." I say and shake his arm.
"Already?" He asks then takes his head off of my shoulder.
"Yeah, we just lost twenty hours." I say and let out a little laugh.
"Holy shit. Those pills are fantastic. I need to get some of them." He says.
"No you don't they fuck up your dreams when you take them often." I tell him. "You see some real scary shit, man!" I say as I feel the plane starting to land. The most dreaded part. I'm scared we're just going to go down and die.
I look over at Kit to see that she is laughing and talking to Harper. She's completely fine right now. I just shake my head and go back to making small talk with Michael until we're instructed to take our belts off and leave the plane.
When we are okay to go, I walk right off and into the airport with Michael. We grab our bags and wait for the head count before we're free to go.
"See you at school on Monday." Michael says to me as he walks out.
"See you then!" I say.
I see Kit standing with Harper at the doors. For a second, I consider trying to find another door to exit out of or something, but decide against it. I just put my head up and walk right past them and keep walking until I see Karen's car. When I do, I just get in shotgun. "It's good to see you!" She says before giving me a small hug.
"You too! It was nice there and all, but I'm just happy to be home." I tell her.
"I bet. You must be exhausted from the timezones." She says.
"Not as bad as I thought." I tell her, leaving out the sleeping pills part, she doesn't really agree with me taking them.
"That's good." She says. "Are you ready to get home?"
"Please!" I say as she starts driving away.
Before too long, we pull up to my house. I get out of the car right away, because I'm tired of sitting, I walk around some and stretch my legs out before quietly walking into my house, expecting my dad to be asleep.
But instead he's sitting in the kitchen with a box of pizza on the table. "You hungry?" He asks.
"Starving." I say before rushing out to the kitchen and grabbing a slice of pizza. "What are you doing awake?"
"I waited up for you." He says. "It's been so strange without you here for a whole week."
"I know, probably so much better and quieter." I say with a small laugh as I shove pretty much the whole slice of pizza in my mouth.
"Who likes too quiet?" My dad says. "So, how was the trip?" He asks.
"It was good." I say. "It would have been better if my girlfriend would have given me some of her time, but it was good."
"Was she busy?" Dad asks.
"With her new best friend or whatever." I explain. "We went on one date and hung out once for like an hour. But that was only because her room mate was upset and needed time to calm down."
"Why was that?" My dad asks, slightly amused.
"Because she has a crush on Kit and Kit has a crush on me." I say and shrug. "Needless to say she doesn't like me too much."
"Well, either way, it's good to have you back, son." My dad says with a smile.
"It's good to be back." I say. Hopefully things will just go back to normal.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang