Chapter 12

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I sigh as I wake up. I get up and put a shirt and a pair of sweat pants on and walk downstairs. When I get to the top of the stairs, I smell bacon. Which causes me to run down and into the kitchen, where Karen is standing over the oven. She must have stayed the night last night. I just pull a chair out and sit at the table, not making my presence known. I put my head down on the table, because I'm still half asleep and the kitchen light is blinding me. "Luke!" She says excitedly after a few minutes, when she finally notices me. "Do you want some breakfast?" She asks.
"Uh, sure." I say.
"Okay, it will be done in just a minute." She smiles at me. "Do you drink coffee?"
"Yeah." I say as she hands me a mug, some sugar and coffee cream. "Thanks." I say as I start mixing my coffee together. "Wheres my dad?" I ask after putting my fifth spoonful of sugar in my coffee.
"He's still asleep." She says. "I thought it would be nice to surprise you two sleepy heads with a nice breakfast." She says before scooping scrambled eggs onto three plates. "But, it looks like he's sleeping right through it."
"What time is it?" I ask. I'm never awake before my dad.
"Nine." She says before turning all of the burners off. She puts bacon onto all of the plates. "He's going to have to heat his up, I guess." She says before putting his in the microwave, then she goes and puts for pieces of toast in the toaster. "Did you sleep well last night?"
"I don't know." I say and think about it. I haven't really slept well since everything, so it's hard to recall. "It must be okay if I'm up this early."
She lets a little laugh out. "It could also mean that you had a really shitty sleep too." She says as the toast pops up. She butters them and puts them on the plates before walking over with both of them, handing one of them to me, before sitting at the seat across from me. "I hope it's okay, I'm not the best cook."
I take a bite of the eggs. "No, it's really good!" I assure her, leaving out the fact that we do own salt and pepper, and she is aloud to use them. But it's not bad. I can't complain, because she did take her time out to make them. "I haven't had an actual breakfast since-" I cut myself off. I didn't mean to say that out loud. "Well, my mom used to make it." I look down at the plate.
"It really is the little things that are the worst, huh?" She asks. I just nod. "I know you don't like talking about her, so we can change the subject if you'd like." She offers.
"Yeah." I say and clear my throat before taking a sip out of my really sweet coffee. I may have put too much sugar in. I never knew there was such a thing as too much sugar.
"Is there anything you want to know about me?" She asks. "I mean, there has to be something. Ask me anything."
"Do you have any kids?" I ask.
"I have a daughter, but she is all grown up and moved out now." She says. "Her name is Jasmine."
I nod. "What happened to your mom?" I ask. "If you don't mind."
She shakes her head. "Not at all." She says with a friendly smile. "When I was thirteen, she got sick." She explains. "But, being as stubborn as she was, she refused to spend any time in the hospital. She lasted until I was thirteen."
"I'm sorry." I say.
"Don't be. It was a long time ago."
"But, don't you still miss her?" I ask. Mostly because I wanted to know if it was a pain that would eventually go away.
"Every single day of my life." She says with a smile. "But, you learn to not revolve your life around missing them, and the pain is something you learn to live with. It wont hurt as bad as it does forever."
I just nod. "When are you moving in?" I ask. "And do you ever go to the cemetery?"
"All the time." She says. "It's an important part of healing." She smiles at me. " And your dad told you about that, huh?" She asks. I nod. "We were thinking about as soon as possible. What would you think of that?"
"I'm not home all that much, so it doesn't really effect me." I say, being honest.
She was just about to say something, but then my dad walks in, I sink down in my chair as he looks at me, then over at her. I start nibbling off the end of my toast. "Why didn't you wake me up when you woke up, love?" He asks before going over and kissing Karen on the forehead.
"I wanted to surprise you boys with breakfast!" She says. "Yours in in the microwave, I thought you'd be sleeping in a little longer, it'd still be warm."
"How long has he been down here with you?" He asks, looking over at me, as if I'm doing something wrong, when all I'm doing is eating the toast, hoping to get too full for the eggs.
"Maybe about a half an hour." She says as my dad goes and gets his plate out of the microwave. He goes over and puts some bread in the toaster.
"I'm so sorry." He says as I shoot him over a dirty look. "You should have waken me up when he came down. I could have been here."
"There was no need." Karen says, almost defensively. "We were just talking."
My dad takes his toast out before sitting beside her at the table, he looks over at me and must have seen the look on my face. "You don't have to lie for him. It's okay, you need to tell me if he's mean to you, sweetheart." He says and takes a bite of the eggs. "Seriously, what did he say, that the eggs are flavorless, because it's not true, they're great!"
My face completely drops as he says that. "Wait, what?"She asks, as her smile also drops. "Luke said that they were really good! Are they flavorless?!"
My dads eyes widen as he pauses for a second. "No, of course not!" He says.
I look down at the table, biting my lip ring to keep me from laughing. I have to say something about this. My dad just made a total ass of himself. This is fantastic. "Where would you even get that the eggs are flavorless from, anyways?" I ask, managing to keep a straight face as I look over at him.
"Because I know you, and I know that that is a shot you'd take." He says, in a unnecessary loud voice. "You love to give a good insult, even if it's not true!"
"You answered that a little too fast, pa." I say and take a bit off of my bacon. "If you would stop accusing me of being an asshole long enough, you probably would have heard that we were having a decent conversation. But of course, you had to come down and ruin it." I say, actually getting pissed off at how quick he is to judge me.
"Well, Luke if you haven't given me a reason to think that you're ever anything but an asshole to everyone, we wouldn't have this issue." He yells back.
"And if you'd butt the hell out for five minutes we would have carried on the conversation we were having and you would have heard that I wasn't even being fucking mean!" I yell before standing up.
"This isn't done." He yells back at me.
"Yes it fucking is! Maybe she'll be kind enough to tell you that I wasn't being a dick." I say. "And Karen, thank you for breakfast. It was really good. I'd love to hang out longer, but he ruined it for me." I say before running upstairs before my dad could chase after me. I lock my door and open my window up, like I always do after a fight with my dad. I light a smoke and start puffing my issues away.

I sigh as I get up off of the couch. I should probably get dressed for the day. I plan on doing something today. I'm not sure what, but I can't stand another Saturday spent alone at my house. I walk upstairs to my room, not bothering to close my door behind me, because I'm the only one in the house at the moment. I go through my closet before picking out an outfit. I go into my bathroom and do my hair before getting dressed. I decide to try to get my eyeliner good today. I've given up on that lately. I have just been going with the thick line of it on my upper eyelid. "Okay." I say and carefully line my eyes, starting out with a thin wing, I add to it and add to it until it looks good. "Now, if I can only do that to the other eye." I say with a sigh as I try, following the same steps I used on the other eye. When I'm done, I look at it. I sigh. They both look good, but they're two different styles. I try to add more to one eye to even it out, but I end up looking like a raccoon. I laugh at myself before washing that off and doing the normal style I use. Sometimes, I wish I had a proper skill set when it comes to makeup.
When I'm done with all of that, I go back downstairs. I decide that these jeans are too tight in the knees. I just bought them yesterday, and jeans are very touch and go with me anyways. I go over to the kitchen and grab a pair of scissors. I walk out to the couch and sit down. Grabbing a little bit of fabric , I stick the scissors in and cut a hole in the knees, so they wont be so tight. I soon decide that I like these ones better ripped anyways as I walk around to put the scissors back in the kitchen.
Just as I got to sit back down on the couch to finish the show I was watching, my phone rings, expecting that it is my mom or dad, I just pick it up, without looking at the caller ID "Hello?" I answer with.
"Hey." I hear a voice I automatically know as Luke's say. Holly shit. Why the hell is he calling me. "What are you doing today?" He asks.
"I um- I was just about to go for a drive. I'm home alone and bored." I announce.
"Would you mind company?" He asks.
"Of course not." I say with a smile that he could probably hear in my voice. "Want me to come pick you up?"
"Please." He says.
"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes, be ready, Hemmings."
"I'll be outside waiting, Kit Kat." He says with a small laugh.
"Okay, see you then." I say before hanging up. I get up off the couch and run around the living room, looking for my car keys. Which are in the exact same place that they always are. Hanging up beside the door. I put my shoes on and grab my keys as I walk out to my car. I unlock the two front doors and quickly pull out of my drive way.
Before too long, I'm at Luke's house, and as he said he would be, he's waiting outside for me. He smiles at me as he gets in the car. "Thanks for coming to get me." He says. "I don't think I could have handled my dad all day."
I smile. "Well, it's a good think you don't have to." I say before driving away. When we've driven around the neighbourhood a few times, I take an opposite turn to bring us out into the town. "What do you want to do?"
He shrugs. "Doesn't really matter to me."
"What's wrong?" I ask, as I pull over in the nearest parking lot. It happens to be in front of some ghetto pawn shop. "You were youself for like two minutes, then you went silent. Why?" I ask.
He shrugs again. "I don't know."
"Don't give me the I don't know bullshit, Hemmings." I say. "What's wrong? If you tell me, I just may be able to help."
"Doubt it." He says, with a small voice.
"Try me." I say.
"My dad walked down this morning and basically started yelling at me because he assumed that I was being a prick to his girlfriend." He says with a smirk. "The one time I'm actually nice to someone, right?" He asks. "He said I'm never anything but an asshole. Is that true?"
I look over at him, he has the most human look I've ever seen from him on his face. I can almost see a trace of sadness. "No, Hemmings." I say. "That is the farthest thing from the truth. I promise you."
"Karen also said that the cemetery is important." He say, changing the subject.
"It really is." I say. "How about you drive?" I ask. He just shrugs as we both get out of the car and switch seats. "You just take us wherever you think that we should be, and I'll just enjoy the ride with you."
"I know what you're trying to do." He says with a sigh.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." I say, looking out the window.
"What the hell." He says as he takes a deep breath and does a U turn out of the parking lot. He takes me through this part of town, and back to where I know better. We go to the school, long enough to turn around in that parking lot and down a couple roads until we're parked in front of the cemetery gates. His breathing starts intensifying as he goes more pale than usual.
"Come on," I say in a calm tone. "You got this." I say as I place my hand beside his. He just nods as he puts his hand on top of mine, driving through with the other hand. He suddenly squeezes my hand as he stops driving. We must be here. "Want me to come out with you, or wait here?" I ask.
He just gets out of the car, and comes around, opening my door. "You want me to come out?" I ask. He just nods. "Okay." I say before getting out and walking over with him. He grabs hold of my hand again. I look over at him again, he's even colorless than last time. He's breaking my heart, but I don't let him know that. I just smile over at him. "Is that her?" I ask. "Elizabeth Hemmings?"
"She- Liz." He manages to get out, with a small, dry voice.
"Liz, that's a beautiful name." I say with a smile. "And her stone is beautiful, don't you think?" He just nods. "Have you seen it before?"
"No." He says. He lets go of my hand and walks closer to her stone. He gets down on his knees, and starts dusting it off, and moving the flowers around. Taking one, and throwing it behind him.
"Luke, you shouldn-"
"That one was ugly." He says, quickly. Cutting me off. "And why did you call me Luke, you never call me Luke."
"I really can't argue that." I say. "And sorry, Hemmings." I say, correcting myself. He just nods. "Is there anything you want to say to her?"
"No." He says quickly as he turns around to face me. But, soon goes back to reading her stone over and over again. His face that was pale, is now a light shade of red.
"But, isn't that the point of coming here?" I ask. "Telling her everything you don't get the chance to?"
"Maybe I don't have anything to say." He snaps. "Ever think of that?"
"Calm down." I say. "I was just saying. And I don't believe for a second that you have absolutely nothing to say.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" He yells as he stands up. "Don't stand there and tell me how I should visit my dead mother!"
That was the first time that I have heard him actually admit that she is dead. He must also notice, because he takes a step back. "I'm not telling you how to visit her, I'm just saying that you should get everything you have yo say out. Because god knows when you'll actually have the guts to come back. I know it's hard but-"
"You know it's hard?!" He asks. "No you fucking don't." He yells. "Stop pretending that you know! You don't know shit. You're just like the rest of them."
"You have no reason to be yelling at me, right now!" I yell back at him, getting quite angry at how he's treating me.
"I wouldn't be yelling if you would butt out and just let me visit. Not every fucking little thing has to be done your way!"
"I'm not fucking saying that it does!" I scream back. "All I'm doing is trying to help you, Luke."
"Don't bother." He says. "This is bullshit. I should have known you were no different than the rest of them." He screams at me before walking away.
"Where the hell are you going?!" I yell at him.
"As far away from you as possible! You shouldn't have fucking pushed me to come here."
"That's what you do, right?" I ask as he pauses. "The second you start to feel something a normal fucking human would, you run away, and take it out on the nearest person. I guess you weren't the only one that was wrong. I was pretty wrong about you too, Hemmings. You really are just a huge asshole!" I yell.
"Welcome to the fucking club of people that think so!" He says before running off. Soon, he's completely gone and I can't see him anymore.
I get in my car and punch the steering wheel as tears start falling down my face. At this moment, I'd be fine if i never had to talk to him again.

I start taking deep breaths in and out as I replay everything I said to her and she said to me over and over again in my head. I don't know why I snapped at her. None of this is her fault. She's right. I really am just a huge asshole that likes to take his issues out on other people. My chest starts aching as my throat gains a lump in it. I just swallow down hard and keep on running. I consider stopping at the school, but I realize that I forgot my smokes at my house. I need a smoke right now, or I'll probably lose my mind.
Before too long, I'm in front of my house. I walk around back, hoping to avoid talking to my dad and Karen. I'm really not in the mood to deal with anyone. I walk into my kitchen and stand at the doorway, blocking the living room as I hear talking. "Well, he was right, Andy." Karen says.
"You don't know Luke like I do." My dad says. "I had every reason to assume that he was being an ass."
"You can't just assume." She says. "That's what I've been trying to tell you! Luke isn't the same when you're not around. You need to leave him alone long enough for him to be able to open up. Every time you yell at him like that, that's another wall he builds. I would have told you if he was being an ass."
"Karen, no offence, but I think I know my son a little better than you do." My dad says. "Even if he was being nice, he was probably going to snap at any moment."
"Andy, he was completely calm." She says. "He was asking me about when I'm moving in, he asked me if I had kids, he asked about my mom. He related himself to me, he was talking to me. But you came and and started attacking him. All I'm saying is that you need to be more considerate of his feelings. I've been trying to tell you that he does have them."
"You're right." My dad says and sighs in defeat.
At that point, I've heard enough. I'm already in a bad mood, so I just walk out into the living room. I walk past them. "Luke, what's wrong?" Karen asks.
"Nothing." I say quickly.
"Honey, you look like you're going to cry. Your face is all red." She says and walks toward me. "What happened?"
"I said nothing!" I say loudly. "I ran home. That's why I'm red." I say as my voice cracks. "If you don't mind, I want to be alone." I say and turn around.
"Why don't you talk to us, sweetie?" She asks.
"No, Karen." My dad says. "Let him go. If he wants to talk he will."
"No he wont." Karen says. "But go ahead. Go up." She sighs.
I walk upstairs and go straight in my room slamming the door behind me. Pushing it do hard feels good. I go over and push my window open as I take a smoke out. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look awful, Jesus Christ. I place my smoke between my lips to light it, but it falls out because my lip is shaking. "Fucks sake." I say in a small voice as I light my smoke and take a big puff out of it. I don't feel better like I usually do. I still hurt inside a lot. I pull my pants down and put my smoke out on my leg again. It sounds crazy, but doing that helps be put all of my feelings back inside. When I feel like I can, I throw the smoke out the window and close it. I pull my pants back up and grab a bottle of water out of my mini fridge and start drinking it. I'm thirsty as hell. "Come in!" I say in my normal voice as I hear a knock on my door. Karen walks in.
"How are you doing buddy?" She asks me.
"Fine." I lie. "I just ran home and I was really out of breath. I needed a drink."
"What really happened?" She asks. "You were obviously hurt about something.
"I just overheard you and my dad talking." I say. "It threw me off. I'm good now." I assure her.
"Are you sure that's all?" She asks. "You're okay?"
"Yeah." I say and give her my best fake smile. "I'm fine."

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat