Chapter 9

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-Kit's POV-

As the bell letting us know that the first class of the day is over, I jump up out of my seat. Usually Ashton is with me for the first three classes. But, he's not here today. So I'm all alone today. For at least the next class. Luke is in my third period class. Maybe I can get him to sit next to me like Ashton usually does. Before second class we have a twenty minute break. I usually spend that with Ashton as well. He will do most of the talking and I'll just sit there and listen. I think that just about sums up everybodys friendship with Ashton. He's just so friendly.
I sigh as I make my way through the halls. I decide that I may as well go check out the music room. I will have been here for a month soon and I still haven't checked that out. From what I hear nobody ever goes there. The music teacher complains about that daily. He says he longs for the day that someone will go bring life to that room again. But, the simple fact of the matter is, nobody in this huge school cares in the least about music. Which I think is devastating. This is a sports school. If you're not into sports, you're automatically an outcast.
But being an outcast isn't that bad. I've always sort of been one. When you move around a lot, nobody really notices that you're even there anymore. But I've gotten quite used to that. I've never had more than about five friends at a time. I don't think I'd want to be that person with an infinite amount of friends. I think that would take away from the ones that actually do matter.
as I get closer to the music room, I hear something. I get closer and closer before I'm standing outside of the room. The teacher was right. this place is a ghost town. I hear an acoustic guitar going, flawlessly. I stand outside and keep listening as whoever is in there starts singing. I've never quite heard anything like it before.

"And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
But I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me."

As I hear that, I can't bare not knowing who is in there any longer. I walk through the door as I look around the room, not believing what I'm seeing. There is no way. That angelic voice I had just heard was coming from the last person I was expecting it to come from. It was coming from Luke Hemmings. He jumps up in shock when he sees me standing there. He opens his mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. He just turns around, placing the guitar down. He stays there with his back turned to me. "I- um.." I manage to get out as I take a few steps closer to him. He clearly didn't want anyone to hear him. "I had no clue. Why didn't you tell me you were so talented?"
He takes a deep breath and turns around. His face is red with embarrassment. He's nervously chewing on his lip ring. "Jesus Christ what the fuck are you doing here?" He asks. His voice sounds as nervous as he looks.
"Music teacher told us that we could come down here any time we wanted to. I figured since Ash isn't here that today would be a good day to come see what we have for music." I explain, taking in my surroundings. This music room is the saddest thing I've ever seen. There are three guitars, a microphone, a piano and a single set of drums that are broken. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask again.
"I didn't want anybody to know." He says quickly.
"Why not?" I ask. "Hemmings, you're amazing." I tell him. "Like actually talented. You could go so far if you tried!"
"This is stupid." He says as he picks his book bag up, throwing it over his shoulder. "Music is just a stupid pastime that I don't really even like. Not anymore."
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Hemmings." I say.
"When you go to this school, it's everything to be embarrassed about." He says as he walks out of the room. I just follow behind him. I roam down the empty hall behind him. "I'm really not in the mood to hang out right now, Kit Kat." He says, not looking back at me.
"That song." I say. "It was Wonderwall, right?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
I just keep following behind him. I don't see why he's so ashamed. The way he sang it was so heartfelt. Dare I say emotional? He told a story with the words he sang. Which is what music is supposed to do in my opinion. "Well, for what it's worth I am ready to break my piggy bank to get Luke Hemmings CD."
"It's not worth all that much, but thanks. I guess." He says, mumbling the last part.
"Don't worry about it. If you're that ashamed, I can act as if it never happened." I tell him. Causing him to finally turn around and look at me. He stops walking long enough for me to catch up to him. This whole floor is like a ghost town. I love it. I could spend all my days here. "How many people know?" I ask.
"Including you?" He asks. I nod. "Five. Well, six, I guess. My mom knew. The other ones are Ashton, Calum and Michael. They knew because we used to be close."
"Oh." I say. "Your dad doesn't know?"
He scoffs. "My dad is to worried about every wrong thing I do to actually pay attention to the little things I like." I just nod at that. "It's not like it matters anyways."
"Why not?" I ask.
"It just doesn't." He replies with as the bell for second class goes off. "I'll see you later." He says before we take our separate ways.
As I part from him, I can't help the smile that grows on my face. I feel my face gettng more and more red as I keep on thinking about him playing that song. "Well shit." I say to myself as I try to force smile off of my face. But it fails. It just bounces back up as I finally get it to go away. I make my way to my next class. I sit in the single desk in the back of the class so nobody can sit beside me.
This class as always goes by fast. More so today, though. I can't stop thinking about Luke. I mean, he has never really left my mind since I met him, but since I herd him play, I can't help but feel differently about him. A good different. It's almost like that was the reminder that I needed. The reminder that there really is a good soul under his large number of layers. I can't help but think that I am past the first few layers. I mean, he treats me like a human, which is more than most people can say about him.
I don't really know why I'm becoming so obsessed with this boy. As far as I know he barely likes me. But I care about him a lot more than I should. I want to make him okay again. Maybe that's why I care so much. I've taken him under my wing.
I make my way to the last class before lunch. This class is half way across the whole damn school. This school is obnoxiously large. There's many classes that aren't even used. Why don't they just down grade? Not that it matters much to me. After this year, I'm done with school, I sure as hell won't be coming back to this shit hole. Not ever.
When I finally get to my class, Luke waves me over. I can't help but smile as I go over and sit beside him. "So we meet again, Hemmings." I say, turning over to face him. He does the same.
"I guess so, Kit Kat." He says and knits his eyebrows together for a second. He's clearly thinking about something. "There's a basketball game after school tomorrow." He mentions. "Normally I wouldn't really want any part in this, and I still don't." He pauses. "But this kid, he thinks I'm his best friend or something, I don't even know his name to be honest. But he wants me to go to one game. I swear I'm going to punch him if he mentions it again." He gives me a half smile. "Would you want to go? You're just about the only person I can stand."
"I don't know." I say as I feel my heart start racing. "Basketball really isn't my thing. I'd have no clue what the hell is going on."
"And you think I would?" He asks. "Come on, we can want to kill ourselves together."
"Fine." I say and let out a little laugh. "I'll go. But only because you're clearly dying to spend the extra time with me." I smile at him. "You were practically begging me."
He shrugs. "I didn't want to do this stupid bullshit game alone is all."
"Did Luke Hemmings just say he didn't want to do something alone?" I ask, a little bit in shock.
He shrugs. "Well, I guess even I want company every now and again."
"Stop being so sappy, I think i'm going to puke." I say, earning a small chuckle from him. But he plays it off like he just needed to clear his throat when someone looked over. "I will gladly be your company anytime you need it." I tell him.
He nods as the sides of his mouth go down. I can tell he's trying not to smile. "Now look whos being sappy." He says, mocking me. "I'm going to throw up the lunch that I didn't have yet."
The rest of that class is spent much of the same way. Nothing major. We agreed to meet tomorrow after school. The game starts about a hald an hour after school, so we will have enough time to get there and get the seats we want. As much as I hate to say it, I'm actually a little excited to go to this game with him.
As the bell to lunch goes off, I walk the halls with Luke. It turns out that neither Ashton, Michael or Calum are here today. Ashton texted me explaining that he thought today was senior ditch day, but it's actually this time next week. That is mistake they'd make. "This actually works out to my advantage." Luke says after I explain to him why Ash, Mikey and Cal aren't here. "Now I don't have to hang out with the assholes I usually do."
"Lucky you, I guess." I say and follow him outside. We walk past a large amount of people and make our way to the baseball field that Luke spends a lot of his time at. I climb midway up the bleachers with him and sit beside him. "Okay. I know I said I wouldn't talk about it anymore." I say as he sighs. "I know. But I have to ask. Who was the last person you sang in front of?"
He thinks for a second as a small frown appears on his face. "My mom." He answers with.
I give him a frown. "That's a long time ago."
"It's been a long time since I've done a lot of things that are considered normal, Kit Kat."
"Like what?" I ask.
"I haven't hugged someone since at the funeral." He says. "It was Ashton. He looked over at me, I was upset. He hugged me then. That was the last hug I've had."
Hearing that makes me want to wrap my arms around him right there and then, but I don't. I hold back. "That makes sense." I say. He just looks over at me. "Hugs that last longer than twenty seconds are therapeutic, you know." I tell him.
"Good for them." He says. "What does that even mean?" He asks, after thinking about it for a couple of minutes.
"It means that if you hugged someone for longer than twenty seconds, everything that you have built up would come out."
He starts laughing. "That hug sounds like hell. Things are built up for a reason. What's the point of a hug that will just make someone cry?"
"Because crying is healthy. Keeping everything built up inside isn't." I explain. He just shrugs. "Your lack of a responce is telling me that I'm right, you know."
"No, it's just an interesting theory." He says. "I can gurantee you I can hug anyone for any amount of time and remain the emotionless asshole that you know and love." He jokes.
"So full of yourself." I scoff. "Is that the kind of music you like?" I ask.
"What happened to not talking about it?" He asks.
I shrug. "I don't see the big deal. I already know. I'm not just going to forget about your beautiful talent."
"I like that song, yes." He says with a sigh.
"So do I." I say with a smile. "Can you sing more of it for me?"
"Absolutely not." He says and takes a bite out of his sandwitch.
"But why?" I ask.
"Because I don't sing for people. I sing for myself when I feel the desire. I'm not intertainment for people, Kit Kat." He explains. As much as I want to argue him, I don't. I just drop it. Because I don't want to piss him off. Even if I am yearning to hear his voice again. From the fifteen seconds I did hear, his voice soothed me. I'd do almost anything to hear it again. Hopefully some day.


As the last bell of the day goes off, I jump out of my seat. I can't wait to get out of here, today. Even though she was nice about it, today was probably the most embarrassed I've been in a long time. I don't know why it effected me so much. She was clearly a fan of what she heard. But, my musical side is one that I like to keep to myself. Before everything, I didn't give two shits. But now, it's code red when someone new finds out.
Instead of wasting the day away in the school yard, I decide to go straight home today. Maybe score a few points with my dad when I come home later than usual tomorrow. To be honest, I wasn't going to ask Kit to go to the game with me. Hell, I wasn't even really planning on going. I don't really know why I asked her to come with me. I mean, I wasn't lying when I said that whatever his name is wanted me to go to a game.. And I wasn't lying when I said that he was getting on my nerves about it.. And I really wasn't lying when I said she's one of the only people that I can stand. I think I might even enjoy her. But I thought about the game, then I thought about the game with her, and decided that it sounds like a good time.
Instead of walking slowly up the street, I run up today. Maybe I'm just more tired than usual and need a nap. I really don't have much of a reason to be in such a good mood. I open the door to see my dad standing in the kitchen, making two cups of coffee. "Luke, are you actually home right now?" My dad asks, in shock.
"Unless I died on my way home." I say. "But we're not that lucky." I say, half joking.
"Luke, don't joke about that. It's not funny." He says sternly.
"Why two cups?" I ask, pointing over at them.
"Well, Luke." He says and takes a deep breath in. "You know how you and I were talking about baby steps?" He asks. I just nod. "I decided to take a big step. I started seeing someone a little over a month ago. She's been dying to meet you. But I kept on putting it off. Waiting for the right time to tell you. Now seems like as good of a time as any."
"You're kidding, right?" I ask. Genuinely believing that he was. "I'm going to walk out there to Grandma or something, right?"
"No, Luke." He says. "You're going to walk out to my new girlfriend Karen." He says. "Now, I've explained to her that you're a little troubled, and she said that she completely understands."
"Oh fantastic." I say sarcastically. "That's just the cherry on top of the fucking cake, isn't it? She's probably expecting a kid with a full sleeve of tattoos and a joint in his hand to walk out and spit on the rug."
"I've explained you to her." He says.
"I doubt it was accurately." I say. "Does she know about mom?" I ask.
"Yes, she knows about mom." He tells me.
"And she still wants to date you?" I ask.
"Why wouldn't she?" He asks. I just shrug. "She lost her mom at a young age too. I really think you can relate to her. Just do me a favor and meet her."
"Whatever." I say with a sigh as I walk out into the living room with my dad.
"Karen," My dad says as he hands her a mug. "This is my youngest and only son that is still living with me, Luke." He says. "I wasn't expecting him home so early, or I would have told you that you we're meeting him today."
"Luke!" She says, happily. "I've been waiting so long to meet you. I can't believe that the day is finally here!"
"You know," I say and look over at my dad. "I really wish that I could say the same."
"Luke, don't be rude." He says and goes and sits beside her on the couch. I sit in the chair that is beside the couch.
"No, it's fine." She says. "I'm sure this is a shock to him."
"That's an understatement." I say as I feel myself stating to get pissed off. How could he have a girlfriend for a month and not tell me?
"I know, Luke." She says. "But, look. I know what you're going through, okay?" She asks. "I know how hard this has been on you. And I am more than willing to be here for you in any way you may need me. I'm going to be here for you."
There is a long silence after she said that. I don't trust myself to say anything right now. Because if I do, it's coming out mean. I just nod and look past her, staring at the wall. "Luke, what do you have to say?" My dad asks. I just shake my head no. He doesn't want to hear what I have to say right now. "You have to stop silencing yourself." He says. "Tell us what you're thinking." He says, sternly.
I sigh as I stand up. "I think this is fucking bullshit!" I yell. "I think that it's too soon for you to already be hooking up with someone new. I think that you're in such a hurry to replace mom that it's not even funny. And I think that I'd rather kill myself than talk about my feelings with two people that I barely fucking know!" I yell, getting louder and louder with every word.
"Don't be like that, Luke. You know me. I'm your father."
"Yeah, of course you fucking act like it now when there is someone you're trying so damn hard to impress." I yell, trying my hardest not to make eye contact with him.
"Just let him have his fit, Andy." Karen says. "It's good for him to let this all out. He needs it."
"I don't need to finish my fit, I need for you to shut the hell up and stop acting as if you've known me longer than two minutes." I scream before flipping the coffee table and storming upstairs.
"Luke Robert Hemmings, you come back down here and apologize this instant!" My dad yells.
"You go fuck yourself!" I yell before going the rest of the way upstairs and to my bedroom before slamming the door closed.
I knew today was too good to be true. I finally have the balls to ask Kit to do something after school, I spend the day in a what is a good mood compared to usual. I even decide to come home early. And it's to this? This is bullshit. I sigh before going over to my window and slamming it open as I pull out my pack of smokes. I take one out and light it. In-hailing the toxins as I feel my nerves going down automatically. This smoke doesn't last me long, but it lasts long enough for me to calm myself down a little. I look down at the little butt of it I have left. I put it between my thumb and index fingers and squeeze down on it. "Ow, fuck!" I yell as I drop it. What the hell? That hasn't hurt in months. I look down at my hand to see that it was my opposite hand that I usually use to smoke. That explains why it actually burnt. I stand up and wipe that burnt out smoke off of me, causing it to land somewhere on the floor. Probably in the pile of other ones that I haven't bothered to sweep up. I sigh as I walk over and strip down to my shirt and underwear before covering myself with my blanket. It's only dinner time, but I let myself slowly drift off to sleep.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Where stories live. Discover now