Next morning, after taking advantage of the morning glory and having the house to ourselves, I waited in the parlour when Damon went to the basement for breakfast of the liquid kind from that freezer.

"Do you know what I wanna do?" Damon slipped his arms around my waist as I stood in front of the bookshelf, looking for something old and romantic. "I want to take you to the lake house."

I raised my eyebrows and a huge smile emerged on my visage. "How did you know I was looking for something old and romantic?" I looked up at him through my eyelashes and couldn't help but to bite my lower lip.

"I'm not that old." He pouted.

"Yes you are." I let my hands slide over his pectoral muscles. "You do remember I said I draw my line at two hundred, right? After that I might just exchange you for two hundred year olds."

"Is that so?"

"I might..." I kept teasing.

"You know what?" He started to kiss me along my neckline. "I'm always gonna be twenty-three, and you will always be twenty... four is it?" He looked challenging at me and my mouth fell open. "You will always be older than me."

I pressed my lips together, turning to give him a death-glare, but couldn't help but to smile at him. "So if I'm older, you have to obey me." I smirked.

"Oh... is that so?"

"And if you don't obey, I might just..."

"Would you two give it a rest?" A voice made me flinch a bit and I turned to find Stefan walking past us up to the liquor table and pour himself a glass of bourbon.

"Could you keep your hands off of her if she was yours?" Damon surprised me by saying.

Stefan turned and gave me a good look-over. "Probably not." He smiled and winked at me.


"Hey there; one blond chick at a time, player!" Was all that jumped out of my mouth, referring to Rebekah. I was too stunned to think about any intelligent reply.

Stefan just smiled at me and raised his glass. "Emma, are you asking me to dump Rebekah?" I had never noticed that silky smooth alluring tone of voice or seen his eyes sparkle like that and frankly I was a little freaked out.

"Are you kidding me?"

Stefan just laughed, gulped his bourbon down and walked out of the room.

I turned to look at Damon with wide eyes. "What happened? I can't help but to feel a bit violated." I exclaimed and noted Damon's grim expression. I couldn't help but to share his puzzled expression. Did Stefan really flirt with me?


We had just slumped down on the couch with our 'Bloody Marys' when the front door opened and Elena walked in.

"Elena?" I could feel Damon tense up. "Are you okay?"

I thought I saw a shadow of confusion run through her eyes, but it could have been my imagination. "Yes now I am." She said with that innocent look of hers that seemed to bug the hell out of me lately.

"Is Stefan here?"

"Yeah, he's in his room, probably in the shower." Damon smirked.

She pursed her lips in a frown, turned on her heel and walked up the stairs to see the ex boyfriend who had spent the night with somebody else.

"Perhaps we should go." I suggested with a wicked smile. "We have a paradise to go to." I let my hand slide over his chest in a lingering seductive way.

He gulped down his drink and lifted me onto his lap, where I turned and put one leg on each of his sides and emptied my glass as well. He tangled his fingers in my hair, pulled me close and kissed me deeply. The feel of his soft lips on mine still made my entire body tingle from excitement.

"Oh get a room!" Elena's voice cut through the air, but there was an edge to it and I whipped my head in her direction. She was glaring at us and there was something slightly off about her. Suddenly I found out what it was.


She gasped. "How could you know?" She looked puzzled and her eyes flickered towards Damon who looked blown away.

"It was the heartbeat." I smirked.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Heartbeat; how...?" and then realisation hit her. "He turned you?" She growled, looking blazing mad.

I gave her a half smile and shrugged my eyebrows. "Yeah, this Salvatore is taken for a long time forward. But Stefan might be up for some competition." I smirked.

Her angry face disappeared, turning surprised.

"Elena's human again and she and Stefan aren't exactly together at the moment." I revealed. "Did he think you were her?" I was curious.

Her bemused expression morphed into a smirk and she just lifted her eyebrows as an answer.

My glib expression was interrupted by Damon. "I know you're a mean bitch Katherine, but Emma; this is below you."

Surprised I turned and watched him. I couldn't really object though, since he was spot on; this was below me and I didn't know why I said it, it wasn't like Katherine was my friend like Elena and Rebekah were. I slid off Damon's lap, feeling a little embarrassed. It was just that Elena pissed me off with those longing looks at Damon when she thought nobody was watching.

"Don't be such a killjoy Damon, you used to be fun." Katherine was teasing Damon big time, but I got jealous at the thought of how he wanted to share eternity with her.

"Back off Katherine!" I snapped and took a step towards the smug girl.

She started to laugh. "Do you think you have anything against me?" She snided.

I narrowed my eyes. "I have Damon."

She went silent for a moment, but then Damon started to laugh. "A girlfight! Yay!" He took a couple of steps toward her. "Katherine." He said softly.

I felt my heart sink as I balled my fists so hard I was sure I was about to draw blood. I wanted to punch both of them. Scream was building up in my throat when Damon put a finger under Katherine's chin and watched her intent with a crooked smile.

"I thought I told you that you just don't do it for me anymore."

Come again?

Katherine's smirk disappeared and Damon slid his arms around a very surprised me. "But you on the other hand..." He said suggestively and trailed kisses along my neck. "...I could nibble on every day." He finished his statement, making me forget all about insecurity and jealousy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hello my lovelies, I just had to throw in a little Katherine in this story.

Hope you like it,

Lots of Love // VeGirl


Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora