Preference- You start crying at 3:00am.

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"Janel, seriously, woman! You are in my way! Get out of it, before I beat you out of it! God Damn, Janel, can you be more annoying?!?!?!" That was just one of the phrases that shot out of Louis' big mouth as he got more and more pissed off at you. You went to bed, at a little after 8pm, after he tried to fight you for some stupid reason. Louis was going crazy, and you wanted to be nowhere near him at this point. You went into your room, and laid down on the bed, trying to clear your mind of today's castraphobic events. From school, to coming home in a bad mood, and now, Louis trying to fight you. Everything!


He still hadn't come to check on you to see how you were doing. You didn't care much, at this point, where he was, because of the threat of fighting.

"I wonder if he'll barge in here any second.." You thought to yourself. "Oh, what am I thinking?? He doesn't care. He tried to fight me. Why would he check in on me now when just 2 1/2 hours ago, he was threatening a fight. Who am I kidding?" You got comfortable against your pillow, on your side of the bed, and once you were covered up, you fell asleep. If Louis came in at any time past this, you probably wouldn't notice, unless he makes a big commotion.

*3:04am the next morning*

He still hadn't come into the room, but you cared hardly at all. You heard the front door crack open slightly. Maybe, Louis is getting some fresh air into the house... It was hard to breathe, so you opened one of your two windows, being careful not to touch anything of Louis'. You laid back down, and there he was..Louis was in bed, fast asleep, and you were stunned by this.

"How the hell did he get in here???" You asked yourself. You shook it off, and got back into bed. Louis' arm snaked around you, and you quickly got out of his hold. He didn't wake, and continued to sleep. You were on the edge of the bed, and you were about to fall off, but it would be worth it. "Hehehe, I'll just fall off, and maybe, Louis won't try to hurt me." You rolled over, and fell off of the bed, and onto the hard floor. There was carpet, but it wasn't enough padding to save you from the pain that was about to put you into a world of pain, and tears. Louis must've heard the thud, because you heard him jump out of his spot in bed, and start frantically searching for the light switch. He found the light, and it flickered on strongly. You covered your eyes, and that's when you lost it! You sat up against the side of the bed, and started crying into a pillow that you found next to the laundry hamper, but then, a few seconds later, you remembered why it was there. You replaced it, and continued crying, but it only got stronger, louder, and harder as it went on. Sobs were shaking and wracking your body in every which way, and the worst part- you couldn't control them. Louis was still sitting up, watching you cry as hard as your body would let you. He finally got the balls to get on the floor next to you, to see what was wrong.

"Janel, it's me, Louis. What's wrong?" Louis asked, as he attempted to rub your back, only to get his hand smacked away by you.

"You wanted to fight me." You said, shakily, as 3 more intense sobs wracked your body, making you weaker and weaker by the second.

"No, no, no, no, no, no,, no, Janel, cupcake, listen to me. I was extremely pissed off at Harry for not following through with a plan, and I accidentally took it out on you, not realizing how sensitive you were. Please, don't block me out, but if you are, listen to this. I didn't mean to take that out on you. I didn't feelings were blocked. I couldn't even think straight, damn it! I'm sorry. Please, let me back in. Let me be the one who heals you. Please." He started becoming more aware at what he had done to you, and he was regretting it all now, that he knew what his words had done to you. "Janel, please, let me in. Let me talk to you. Let me listen to what you have to say." You weren't able to say anything back to him, you were shaking so bad. When you tried to form words, sobs would wrack you so hard, you weren't able to speak. It was hard to be shaking this bad, especially since you had never been this weak before. Not even your best friend had seen you like this, and they had seen you pretty low. Finally, after 20 minutes of crying, screaming, sobbing, and shaking, you're finally able to talk to Louis, but due to all of the loud sounds that your voice had created, you had a sore throat, and it hurt to talk, but of course, you were determined to do it, no matter how bad it hurt you.

"Louis, I'm sorry for blocking you out. I'm sorry for being like this. Maybe I'm the d-head after all..." You started, but Louis shut you up by popping a throat lozenge into your mouth.

"No offense, Janel, but shut up. Your voice sounds like your throat is being rubbed on sandpaper as you try to talk. Talk to me when you can talk better, and no, you're not the d-head. That's definitely me. I tried to fight you, I swore at you, I threatened to hit you. That was wrong of me to do. I shouldn't have tried to do that. I should've had more control, but I didn't. I don't know why I blew up like that." Everything was solved after you could talk better, but even before that, both of you accepted the other's flaws in the earlier situation that almost broke you and Louis up.  

Harry: He was sleeping peacefully next to you in bed after you two had some fun, playing Guitar Hero at midnight. It was now 3am, when suddenly, everything bad that had ever happened to you, flooded back to your mind, causing nightmare, after another, after another. You woke with 4 massive screams, and tears flooded your beautiful cheeks.

"Holy fuck, Janel, what's wrong? I haven't ever seen anyone this broken down ever before! What made you the first?" Harry asked compassionately. He cared a lot about you, but you never realized how much he cared, until now.

"Everything is flooding back to me, Harry. Everything!" You cried into his shoulder.

"'s OK. Just think positive. I love you, and I'm never going to let anything happen, that I can control. You'll be alright." You fell asleep, after Harry put on Little Things for you, from his iPhone. He laid you back in your spot in bed, and he kissed you, telling you how sorry he felt for you every 2 minutes, for the rest of the night. When you woke the next morning, you were sick...again, for the third time that week, making Harry think that you had Stress Puking, or something crazy like that....


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